
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:50:15
she is my pen f ______emma she_f英语单词怎么拼 有谁知道“指环王”中咕噜见到魔戒时经常说的那个英文单词怎么拼写?发音好像是“my pu rai she si”设计一副海报时要用到~有谁知道能不能告诉我, drinking mike every day is good for your boby改为同义句以及,they waited for the train over an hour改为 ther waited for the( )( )one hourwe walked another two hours before we got to the small village.we walked( ) ( )before we got to the small 怎么用踯躅造句 踯躅怎样造句 踌躇,踌伫,徘徊,踟蹰,踯躅的区别?每个字的区别? 踯躅 踟蹰 踌躇 的区别请高手指点,最好各自举几个例子,谢谢! 家里有很多一角钱、五角钱的硬币,应该有2000个.我该怎么花啊 suppose作猜测意需用虚拟语气吗?认为呢?think为何一般不用?那suppose必须用虚拟语气吗? He doesn't like to talk about ____ others A.to B.about C.or Most people live __ far from the city to travel by bike.Still,__ has been about itA:very B:quite C:too D:soA:everything B:somthing C:anything D:nothing请问选哪两个选项是正确的 An airport is usuaily far from the city是什么意思 虚拟语气 省略if的倒装 not应该放在哪啊?有没有例句啊? Have you found your ___(lose) car 不翻译,写出填空的原因 15.Can you tell me if you have found the key ________ your car.15.Can you tell me if you have found the key _ B.to ____ your car.A.for B.to C.about D.by为什么用to I am taller than he的同义句 I am taller than her改为同义句 一天一次,用英语怎么写?是one day one time 吗? congratuate you please work more 1、如图所示的物体是由液态物质组成的是 ………………………………( ) A、硬币、铅笔 B、食用油 C、玻璃 小明买了一只9角4分的铅笔,有5分和2分的硬币,怎样付才不找钱? 中岛美嘉orion歌词的中文翻译中文意思 谢谢 举一个例子,书上说he is taller than me,可老师说he taller than I也对,把am省了,到底怎么回事呢? 英语翻译Hey,what's the big idea?Yo Mika.I said,sucking too hard on your lollipop,or love's gonna get you down,I said,sucking too hard on your lollipop,or love's gonna get you down.Sucking too hard on your lollipop,or love's gonna get you down,suc mika—happy ending的中文翻译? advise sb.to do; advise doing ;advise that sb.(should) do有什么不同 纸帽子怎样叠给我一首藏头诗 崔嘉兴是笨蛋 如何折叠纸帽 but l do not like it because an a__(首字母填空) is usually far away from the city. but i do not like it because an a(------)is usually far from the city keep_______pressing that red betton if there is no pictures on the machineA keep B to keep C Keeping D Kept能说明理由和解释吗