
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:32:25
early admission能不能入境 求翻译In early autumn I applied for admission to college.I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University,but my mother fought strongly against it.When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell,she tore it up. “面积相等的三角形全等”的否命题是什么?真假性怎样?是“不一定”还是“不全等”,为什么 13.“面积相等的三角形全等”的否命题是 命题(填“真”或者“假”)懂了 it was the king's crown which was made of pure gold.是什么从句呢? 英文名字可以叫gold(金子)吗?还是golden好呢? GOLDEN CROWN轮胎哪个公司的 mike will go to the movies.so I am.还是mike is going to the movies.哪种说法对,为什么 一个非常简单的英语问题.高手快来!为什么形容词最高级前要用the呢?语法书上说一定要用the,可为什么呢? the有这的意思He is the most tall of all us .他是我们当中最高的.这里的the是啥意思呢?他是 get up是起床的意思.那个get是啥意思.是 使得...处于某种状态 我只知道get有得到的意思. 这是我煮牛奶的锅This is the pan ___ ___I boiled the milk.Have you seen Mary?Yes,__1_?I've found her watch,she left it on my desk.请问1的空格填什么啊? the ( )card is my card .填空的 纸船寄母亲为什么用含着泪叠的,不用流着泪叠的 hear from;lead to;so far;be guilty of;put up;charge...with 用正确的形式填空(会追加分的)1.Mr Brown_____________a good fight with thief.They struggled for one or two minutes.Mr Brown got hurt________________.The thief was frightened and 英语演讲1分钟 有三个题目:1.the power of smile 2.my dream 3.challenge 很着急~一定要今天出! 有什么颗笑的? 英语翻译RT.以下是题目,连词成句之后翻译中文.1)in,are,ordering,we,XL/2 Water Purifier,your,interested2)catalogue,you,send,would,please,me,your,away,latest,right3)to,hope,soon,hear,I,you,from4)are,you,happy,asked,we,as,to,you, 英语翻译1.are,there,three,thousand,morethan,in,languages,world,the2.now,peopie,more and more,are,English,learning3Jim,a lot of,in,mistakes,French,makes4sometimes,have,with,trouble,I,spellingdon't,what,I,his,is,native,language,know 广州哪里有英语速成班,最好是一对一,学费比较便宜,上英语速成班有效吗 英语速成班的效果好吗?大家有没有什么好的建议呢.可以告诉我哪些地区的英语速成班有效.电话英语也可以啊 市区哪里有学英语速成班? 重庆哪里有英语速成班嘛? 单词attend解释为照料时候和care ,serve,mind,take care of,favor,look after,的区别?词性?用法?还有其他解释为照顾 照料的单词或词组 可以补充 回答越全面越加分! 英语速成班 英语怎么翻译?不要 "fast-learning classes", 这是中式英语,有没有更好的?谢谢. help与 favor 的区别You are really very kind .I will never forget the ( ) you have done to me.A.favour B.deedC.help D.good我选的是C 请问这个favour和 help 有什么区别? The old are very well taken care of in our city.其中那是主语 谓语 宾语 鲁滨逊漂流记 欣赏感悟30字 鲁滨逊漂流记推荐卡50字急 charge up a storm的意思businesses do not expect customers to suddenly charge up a storm翻译中是 企业也并不认为消费者会突然开始大量借款 that experiences always charge me with different moods 里面的charge me 怎么理解比较好啊 fill me in 的意思 fill me in 到底有几首啊?我头都炸了请问zly622,歌名是Fill me in.party(remix)吗?in和party之间为什么有一个点?我怎么找不到啊,你能给我一个地址吗,你在哪里找到的?