
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:41:45
1.When you come here next time,please b_______ me my book.2.He is a_______of dogs.填单词 荷花像什么比喻句 荷花形状像什么 the good news that our football team won the game c-------- up everybody0 It is W( ) that our team wins in the football match XING的代表色是什么啊?必须是真的! 星星我们看到的是什么颜色?有几种色?我扎感觉我小时候见过好多色的星星,现在我也是这样认为!他们都不信我! 星星是什么色的? My friend wants to Know about my morning.(改为一般疑问句) I'd like to __ my friends to my homeA.tell B.take C.share D.invite I ask my friends ______ to my home for dinner.A.come B.coming C.comes come I __ my friends to my home today.”这儿应该填inviting吗? 4米长的竹竿影子长2米,8米长的竹竿影子多长? 找出 Our team has won the game. Isn't it a sensational news? 中的错误 改错:Our team has won the game,that made us very happy.将that改为which.为什么这样改?这个是什么句子? 在社会主义新农村建设中,县交通局决定对某乡的村级公路进行改造,由甲工程队单独施工,预计180天能完成.为了提前完成任务,改由甲、乙两个工程队同时施工,100天就能完成.试问:若由乙工程 3道关于初二分式方程的题目1.已知关于X的方程x+m/m(x-1)=-4/5的解为x=-1/5,则m=——2.计算:(1-x/5-x) -(5-x/1-x)=8/X方-6x+53.计算:(2/x方+2x-3)-(x-1/x方-9)=1/1-x注:第二三题优先回答,最好有过程,为了防止 1/x+1 +2/x-2 =8/x²-4 初二分式方程问题某商店经销一种泰山旅游纪念品,4月份的营业额为2000元,为扩大销售量,5月份该商店对这种纪念品打9折好的给分问题补充: 用分式方程做 3. 某商店经销一种泰山旅游纪念品, 英语选择you should try to get a good nights' sleep_____much work you have to doAno matter Balthough Chowever Dwhatever解释一下为什么选C不选A不是A 是为什么不选B 抱歉 Remember to ( ) your homework to school next time. A.take B.bring C.carry D.hold 英语句子在线改错When come to school next time,bring your homework. you should aways get a good night's sleep翻译 Bring your _____(日记)to school next time ,Jack.老师说是diary,为什么不写复数? you should try to get a good nights sleep_____much work you have to do为什么选no matter how而不选although Please bring your son here_____you next time.介词填空,只限一词 To our j______,our school basketball team won the game马上就要 Our football team won the game because the goal keeper played really strong defense.(句意不变)_____ _____ the goal keeper's really strong defense,our football team won the game. can you show me your photos when you come back?改祈使句怎么改? Our team was_____by their team in the foodball game yerterday. A defeated B won C gained D earned选什么 为什么?by 在这里什么意思 为什么要选A/B/C或D show me your photos when we get back to school是什么时态不是一般时表示将来时吗 一道初二分式方程题某广告公司将一块广告牌任务交给师徒两人,已知师傅单独完成的时间是徒弟单独完成的时间的2/3,现在由徒弟先做1天,师徒再合作2天完成师徒两人单独完成任务各需几天?