
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:19:16
Little Busters怎么安装啊?我下的是免DVD版的怎么还是安不上,显示要第二张盘…… 是用release one's inner voice还是用reveal one's inner voice是不是两个短语都可以用还是只能使用一个 三星galaxy s4 i9508怎样使用s voice和s translate? jack uesd to be one of the boys who ___ good at basketball is 还是 are 还是were 谢 the boy is good at basketball (改为同义句) popcorn是什么意思? 帮我翻译一下 问题补充的英文!因为卸载软件出现问题 弹出这样的对话框.我不懂是什么意思Installer integrity check has failed Common causes include incomplte download and damaged media .Contact the installer's author t Iam afraid Of loneliness杩欏彞璇濅粈涔堟剰鎬滭br/>鎴戠殑鑻辫?姘村钩瀹炲湪涓嶆暍鎭?淮.綅澶у笀甯?繖瑙i噴涓 翻译:Dear, I am afraid of loneliness, the most afraid you ignore me, you know?I found that without you my world is black, beg youplease don't leave me, baby, I really reallymiss you ah! gear up 用法? Accustomed to loneliness是什么意思 请问GEAR 是不是跟LAUNCH差不多啊?今天在CCTV-9看到一则消息:Disney gear up Cars.(Cars是一部动画片),所以我怀疑跟LAUNCH的意思一样,启动、开拍或者是开始放映的意思。 gear up 指什么 Things seemed to kick into high gear over the summer as the pack of recovery picked up to morethan 3 percent It is proved that John is really not so good at the job.He needs ___ by someone who can do itA replacing B replace C be replaced D to be replaced r=6厘米,d=?r=5厘米,d=?d=8厘米,r=?d=14分米,r=? 长12厘米宽8厘米,求面积是多少?面积42平方米,宽6米,求长是多少?面积72平方米长是9分米求宽是多少? 请记住不要在晚会期间离开体育馆.please remember ()() leave() during the party popcorn是什么意思 popcorn这个单词是什么意思 手机如何使用wifi上网 I doubt whether you are the man that i can entrust myself to...路是自己走的...也许某些回忆是最美的..翻译英文是什么?.. 【The person you like】主语【 is】系动词【 my brother】表语 The person you like is my brother【The person】主语 you like【 is 】系动词【my brother】表语 两种都可以吗 She put the popcorn (in the popcorn popper).(对划线部分提问) put the popcorn in the popcorn popper是新目标英语上教制作爆米花 玛丽很少看电影 Mary____ ____goes to the movies. 这句话有语法错误吗?You are the person whom i love by my heart!总觉的by my heart 不对劲 popcorn是什么意思? i wantto some popcorn get out the popcorn是什么意思 老男孩的MV到底是什么意思 shall we walking the together