
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:36:51
有没有一个词语是形容一个人有钱但是无知的. 怎么样才能更好的表现自己?主要就是怎么才能让自己会说话,会表达,不要总是没有话,显得很无知 还有哪些成语词语形容年少无知,犯错等等 I am looking for a right person?的意思 I am looking for a right person are you的意思 He is the very person whom I am looking It is well known to all,they have done colour printing in China since the 12th century修改病句 1.They have won the game.(改为否定句) They _____ _____ the game.2.They had a good time at the party last night.(改为同义句)They____ ____ the party last night.3.He spent two hours in finishing my homework.(改为同义句)It ____ ____ They feel p_____ that they have won the game怎么做 the game is popular. _____ 1 it is well known 2 they like it very much 选择哪个,及为什么 pacific和cathay是什么意思 单项选择I wonder why Amy didn't get ____ the job.She is the right person for it.A.to be offered B.to offerC.offering D.offered 形容目光短浅见识不广的诗句 i wonder why ann didn't get ____ the job.she is the right person for it.答案offered为什么这在语法中称为什么用法,类似的还有吗 那些诗句描绘的是“比喻目光短浅,一心图谋侵害别人,却不知友人也在算计他”? 秉国者目光短浅,……,……,深信总有一天否极泰来.句中“秉国者、否极泰来、”啥意思?秉国者目光短浅,无深谋长策,然而诗人并未丧失信心,深信总有一天否极泰来.句中“秉国者、否极泰来 批评人目光短浅,用哪个诗人的哪句诗句 i am the right person for this I'm the right person for the job 句型转换 It ( ) I that ( ) fit ( ) ( )the job He is the right person________ this job中间加什么?A.doing B.to doC.work D.to work并说明为什么 提问:I‘sure he is the right person for the job.(同义)He is ( )to( )the right person for the job。 英语翻译有:提亲,定亲,媒人,新房,宴席,嫁妆,聘礼,轿子,火盆,拜天地,拜高堂,夫妻对拜,敬茶,洞房,闹洞房,娘家. my favourite toy is mini-car (1/2)关于语言用词:人们常用来形容一个人目光短浅,观点肤浅的用词有哪些?比如说某人对一件事情没有...(1/2)关于语言用词:人们常用来形容一个人目光短浅,观点肤浅的用词有哪些?比如说 初中英语“解释句子”(写同义句):they reported the theft to the police.they reported the theft to the police.记住,使用英语翻译,别给我个纯中文答案 they have not placeto live和theydon't have placeto live 哪个对, They feel s_____ because malls have a police station or security guard. 副词修饰什么词 形容修饰()词,位于(),副词修饰()词,位于(). 地点副词和地点名词之间的区别?最好具体一点 分别修饰什么词?举例说明一下哪些是地点副词那些是地点名词 灵敏电流计特性试验,为什么测量电路要采用二级分压,用一级分压可以吗? 物理电路(有图,真的不懂) 甲乙两个电路,都是由一个灵敏电流计G和一个变阻器R组成图中的甲、乙两个电路,都是由一个灵敏电流计G和一个变阻器R组成,它们之中一个是测电压的电压表,另一