
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:04:52
Aff has a pretty face but she is lack of acting skills. Seeing the soldier well ____ for the flood-fight,the geeral nodded with satisfaction.A.prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.having preparedWhy 英语高手帮我看看下列句子是什么从句是什么从句,而且引导词作什么语,1What I want to know is why you refused me.2.Lily wanted to know why her grandma liked the handbag.3.Did you understand what she said?4 Are you still think A Trojan soldier told his captain that the Greek had disappeared英文怎么翻译 请高手分析一下这个句子的倒装是怎么回事?So they allege,but have they any proof?为什么不是but do they have any proof 是因为so的原因吗?但是那也是so do they allege啊? 分析一下倒装Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time.这里为什么是can i 英文电影没中文字幕,我又听不懂英文,怎么办? 课本上的听力很多都能听懂,就是听不懂英文电影,怎么办 Every possible means _______ to save the wounded hero up to now.Every possible means _______ to save the wounded hero up to now.A.have tried B.has tried C.have been tried D.has been tried 7.All possible means __________ to save the hero.A.has tried B.have tried C.has been tried D.have been tried All means that _____ possible _____ been used to save; have B.were; have C.was; has D.are; hasB.为什么? we eat in the morning,at noon and in the evening 改写句子we eat _____ ______a day. He many toy carsHe后添什么? 三角函数诱导公式的由来和名称由来谁知道三角函数的诱导公式是谁先发明的?诱导公式名称的由来?为什么叫诱导公式 求三角函数总结,诱导公式前6个的由来以及剖析. 我们努力工作是为了使我们的国家更富裕 英语翻译 i am worried i am getting fatter you can eat less food and do ()(much)exercise playground可以组成那12个单词? () has a pair of ears more famous than Micjey's?A.What B.When C.How D.Who toy是什么单词(中文) Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's? This is Jane.His favourite toy is 的中文意思是什么 I don't like this pair of shoes any more 改为同义句I ___ ___like this pair of shoes如题 Eminem的like toy Soldiers的歌词中文意思是什么?另外再请大家告诉下Eminem唱这歌的目的在于什么?是为了平息说唱界的战争吗? toy an imals 古时候官员衣服上的都是是什么动物 这图讲啥动物的书中的?这都是些啥? 已知直线AB与CD交于点O,OE垂直AB,垂足为O,若角DOE=3角COE,求角BOC的度数 一个长方形和一个圆的周长相等,已知长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5.7厘米.圆的面积是多少?除不尽 已知长方形的长60厘米,宽40厘米,求圆的周长? 一个长方形.一个正方形和一个圆的周长相等.已知长方形长10米,宽5.7米.它们的面 有可以将英文翻译成中文的软件吗?(最好是可以翻译句子或短篇文章的)可以下载的