
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:40:39
太阳给小草打电话,台词是什么?小草给太阳打电话,台词又是什么?如题 判断题:a是b的因数,b是c的因数,所以c是a的倍数. 设S是满足下列两个条件所构成的集合,①1不属于S ②若a∈S,则1/1-a∈S 13001可以用13003么?管脚排列是什么 诈尸是什么现象?据说猫从死了的人身上跳过,死了的人会突然坐起来,这是怎么一种现象啊? 黑豆黑米红豆芝麻之类是酸性还是碱性 黑米是碱性还是酸性 黑米是酸性还是碱性 设函数f(x)=Asin(wx+φ)(A>0,w>0,φ>0,│φ│ 被减数减数和差相加的和是536,减数与差的比是1:3,它们各是多少? 判断下列两圆的位置关系C1:x²+y²+2x-6y-6=0C2:x²+y²-4x+2y+4=0 求年度总复习的答案八年级下册英语 Take care of yourself when you're good to others.如题 Dear I'm not around to take good care of yourself oh中文什么意识? who do you make them_?A.about B.at C.for D.with 选择、为什么 Young’s Modulus of steel and nylon分别是多少? Young’s modulus of rubber是多少啊. flexural modulus 和 young's modulus 是一回事吗?看到一种树脂杨氏摸量是7GPa,flexual modulus 是13-14 GPa,差这么远的. young's modulus of bones 诈尸是什么意思 诈尸是什么意思啊? 判断下列两圆的位置关系①(x+2)²+(y-2)²=1与(x-2)²+(y-5)²=16②x²+y²+6x-7=0与x²+y²+6y-27=0 英语翻译接上:他每天花3小时看电视He ( ) 3 hours ( ) TV every day. 英语翻译 strength route翻译成中文是啥意思啊? X的平方—2X—3=0 3Q 造句……造句!好的追加分分分!o(∩_∩)o...按照:“站在正宫前极目远眺,玉带似的人工河上波光粼粼,帆影点点,两侧大树参天,郁郁葱葱,绿荫中女神的雕塑亭亭玉立.近处是两池碧波,沿池的铜 判断位置关系题!如图,直角梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,M为AB的中点,以CD为直径画圆P,判断点M与圆P的位置关系. Many students insist that the choice of their courses and universities _____Many students insist that the choice of their courses and universities ______ their own interest.A.be based on B.base on C.be basing on D.base at 关于We not only got very tired but very hungry as well您好,您说的We not only got very tired but very hungry as well和We got not only very tired but very hungry as well都对,我有一个疑问,那么I not only spoke English very carefully,but We not only got very tired but very hungry as well的语序问题上边的那句话等不等于We got not only very tired but very hungry as well,两句话意思和语法都完全一样吗,我怎么感觉题目中的句子不对,应该改为We not on we got very tred.wegot very hungry.(用not only ……but……as well连接)