
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:19:49
英语翻译 英语翻译hear/attend 好像可以但是have行不行?》 We had a fire c_mp in Chaoyang Park yesterday night.Shall we go to the m_s_um?They played games o帮我翻译一下,要尽量得快! 关于“非谓语动词”的2道题1、_____ to continue his studies,James quitted A、Not wishing B、Not to wishing C、Having not wished D、Wishing not2、The boy was caught ____his neighbour'sapples the other dayA、to have stolen B、stealing 非谓语动词的二个题mary told me that Father would ——— later this yearAhave the hut be repairedBget the hut to be repairedChave the hut repairedDget the hut being repaired为什么选C ,ABD哪错了?She will tell us why she feels so stro 我想请教两个有关非谓语动词的问题With no rain for three months and food supplies _____ ,the situation here is getting desperate .A.run out B.has run out C.be runing out D.runing out Key:A( A )twice a year,whether it is a car or a bus 牛粪为什么不臭为什么老大的一坨牛粪却不是那么的臭呢~嘻嘻```这个问题的确是有些无聊,但是我真的很想知道为什么```` 数字万用表各个字母的用途 问个非谓语动词的问题请问我怎么能确定一个在谓语动词后面的非谓语动词是用不定式还是用动名词? 问个关于非谓语动词的问题She pretended not to see me when I passes by.请问这句为什么要用”to see”不定式?用现在分词”seeing”不行吗? 请教大家几道关于非谓语动词的题1.( ) to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.A.Exposed B.Being exposed2.How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?--The key( )the prblem is to meet 若F(x)的导数=G(x)的导数,则A、F(X)=G(X) B、F(X)-G(X)=C c、 F(X)+G(X)=C As we all know, dog is a lovely animal.什么意思 there is no escaping the evidence I here is going to have a concert next Sunday改错 (X²+1)分之三的导数怎么求 女的学做面包怎么样?听说做面包很累的,到底是什么累呢? 求y=cos²(x²+1)的导数 i (would rather )live alone.第一句是虚拟语气 will,这句为什么要用虚拟语气呀?有宁愿就要用虚拟语气了? What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? George went to school very late,didn't he?怎么翻译. 那However,someone had to first problem the computer with intructions and that took many hours怎么翻 he often had to work at jubs that took him away from painting.he often had to work at jubs that took him away from painting.主谓宾是什么? It so happens that we often see a notice on a door to a conference room, 草他马是什么意思? 梦到自已家地里有好多粪草 草ni马是啥和草,你妈有关系吗,蠢爸爸作品里有草ni马着东西过,还有和韩国人有关吗,我上次看见恶搞作品中有提到. 中国奥委会合作伙伴 用英语怎么说 在look like中,哪个动词随着主语的变化而变化呢? like是动词吗?是什么动词? He like studying english.主语是He 动词是like么 还是studyiHe like studying english.主语是He动词是like么 还是studying 还是like studying 我有点搞晕了 like doing的句子主语不能一样,动词不能一样.急