
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:51:59
1道初二英语填空题,在线求回答,急用The little girl was always ___(cry)before ______with the size of the whole Earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A.Compare B.When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared请选择答案,为什么? A:I ______ her.What ______ (not understand,mean)B:I ______ that she ______ 'Be quiet!'(think,mean) 一道初二英语小孩子们玩电子游戏很容易._____ _____ for children ______play computer games 把脸向着阳光,就看不到阴影. 这句话的英文翻译 初二英语1--5 1__5 初二英语1到5 外贸业务中,赠送,用英语怎么说购买设备时,供应商免费给赠送了一些备用零件.请问赠送这个词,用英语怎么说更合适.比较符合外贸规则. thank you for和thank for区别? 吕某刺虎译文急用 用英语怎么说?有thank sb.help说 正交分解用英语怎么说?Thank! 一道初二英语完型题Wearing uniforms is an efficient way to promote s_____ and discipline in school请适当说明理由附注:promote 提升discipline 惩罚 1-9,初二英语完型 初二英语完型I like collecting stamps.When I was a baby,my mother began to collect stanps for me,Of course,she did not let me__31__ the stamps until I was old enough not to spoil them.I remember that it was __32__ my fifteenth birthday that she 初二英语完型中的一道题One morning after he got there (),he went to the teaching building for doing his rounds fo the school.A then B before long C at that moment D in the future You might have heard of collisions between cars,trains and ships,but satellites?It sounds like something from a movie!But sometimes life can be 1 than the movies.On February 11,a Russian military satellite,Kosmos 2251,smashed into a US communications 初二英语1-6 1-6题, 初二英语,1-6,一定好评 1 . 初二英语第六单元词组翻译:找借口______关掉________别无选择做某事__________句子翻译:除了在暴风雨中慢慢行走,我们似乎什么都不能做we could _____ _____ but _____ slowly _____ _____storm.填词:When you 英语翻译急着要用的,麻烦会的朋友帮个忙,.帮忙翻译下.1.允许分批装运和转船准备2.依据3.具体询盘4.对….有利5.形式发票6.这种情况.7.有关各方8.全套已装船清洁海运提单9.议付10.不可抗力事 外贸函电英语 英语翻译事由:缝纫机 本公司是拉哥斯最大的缝纫机进口商之一,我们经营各种牌号的缝纫机已有20余年了.我们热切地希望与你公司建立贸易关系,发展我们两国之间的贸易.随函附上第303号询 英语翻译你7月5日电动机的询盘收悉.因该商品属中国进出口公司的经营范围,我们已将你方询盘转交他们办理,请直接就你们所需与他们联系.借此机会,我们自我介绍,我们是经营中国工艺品出 三,1到10 初二英语1-3单选 我叫婧雅,想请大家帮忙起个英文名,我叫婧雅~想让大家帮忙起个英文名,要简洁,好听的,最好附上中文解释,我不姓婧哦~名字是婧雅 我叫陈灏,叫什么样的英文名较好?一般中英互译好像比较好 像什么howard 可以译为好德 络绎为roy 周杰伦的是jay那我的能不能类似下啊? 我叫陈婧,小名叫婧婧,请大家帮忙给起一个好听的英文名哦.