
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:32:36
Maria is able to speak chinese用英语怎样说七年下课课集训里的 老鹰用英语怎么说 “我是雄狮,我是苍鹰,饥即食,渴即饮,除非起而行动,否则死路一条!”这句话用英语怎么说? 阅读社会英语怎么说? Tom ____(begin) to lean China last month. 英语翻译要真的 美国的宾夕法尼亚州.谁待过这地方?简介的说下还有 这地方有啥军校?别开玩笑好不.. 我要打电话给美国宾夕法尼亚州,前面要加号码吗?求美国国号,和宾夕法尼亚州州号 迷茫的鹰 用英语怎么说?.迷茫的鹰 用英语怎么说? Peter's never been to China.(完成反意疑问句) 千年鹰 英语怎么说 Tom has never been to China..(在第一个助动词后)这里的has是助动词吗? He has never been toany city in China.=He's been to _ _ _ _ in China.Many people send donationsto charities to support their work.=Many people support the_ work _ _ donations to them. Neither Mary nor Gina have been to china.这里面的谓语动词用have还是has? 没有一个人了解我的英语怎么说 carlotta 香水的中文翻译是什么? 谁能讲解一下国际贸易中海运提单的相关知识? 根据海运提单抬头来分类,国际贸易中使用最多的是 有哪位外贸高手解释一下海运提单上“consignee”和“notify party”的区别与联系? 海运提单有几份?拿到的提单,一共三张纸,内容完全一样,第一张是机打,另两张是复写上去的,等于就是三联这个是叫几正几副呢?我该把哪一联寄给客户呢? If i can, i want to be love you forever什么意思? 有没有错误 Listen,if you don't love me,I want you to remember me forever,I want you,I want you to be my first woman,Yes,I want to make you the first man.How?You dare?麻烦懂的哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译哈.我怕我翻译的不准确. 英语翻译BILL OF LADINGRECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as other-Wise noted.The total number of packages or unites stuffed in the container,The description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Lading areF 英语翻译1.Full set of clean on board marine bills of lading,made out to order of ABC CO.,marked:“freight prepaid”,notify:applicant.2.Full set of not less than two clean on-board marine bills of lading marked “freight prepaid” and made out 牛津版英语寒假园地43页第四题咋写?诸位大仙,根据所给单词的首字母完成以下的短文。1 I know how to plant flowers.F________ plant the s________ into the s________.T________ put the pot under the s________ and add water 33页到48页所有Read and tick or cross 和 Read and choose的答案, 八字成语填空:请帮我回答:下笔千言_______ ______,充耳不闻. _____更进一步 下笔千言_______ _______五谷不丰 英语翻译能区分清楚sorry和thank you.及其所应用的正确情境 I don't want to say that I will love you forever,but I ...I don't want to say that I will love you forever,but I will say that I will love you until the end.是 六年级英语作文寒假准备做的六件事英语作文:寒假准备做的六件事是六年级的水平.不要复制,不少于8句话.如果非常好加分!我还需要中文! 寒假英语作文每篇100单词 ①春节 ②我尊敬的人 来自历史故事的八字成语