
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:59:37
I usually help c() kids at an after-school study program. 综合与延伸.(1)甲文作者借倒书手录,乙文作者借不到书形诸梦,这表现了他们怎样的共同心态?两文写作意两文写作意图的共同点是什么 如何提高英语成绩,有哪些比较好的英语补习班? 廷臣以谦负重名,奏留之,亦不报.的翻译 在泰国考sat可以用字典是么?听同学说的 是真的? 好白痴滴数学题-.-6年级水平-.-同志们帮个忙啊方程算式都要,最好附带步骤的说明-.-偶会很感激滴-.-1)根据下面童鞋的对话提出有关滴数学问题并解答春游时,带可乐的有6人带可乐的人数是 orange-coloured dress为什么要加coloured首先orange-coloured 是橘色的意思么?那为什么不直接说 orange dress 不是一个意思么 You must stop _____ the lights _____ _____ and you can go _____ the lights _____ ____.红灯停,绿灯行. 五年级写同学的作文500字 浅川是什么地方?郭敬明小说 里说的浅川这个地方存在吗?是在哪里?应该是属于北方把? 请问噢,浅川在哪里?如题 夏至未至里旳 浅川,那么旳引人 瞩目,浅川 在 哪里? 年级级草是什么意思 请分析两句话的语法?I have been there twice.I have learned English for three years.第一句的twice是什么用法?为什么第二句用吧FOR?I have done that for three times这句话对吗? 请问白居易的古诗《草》是哪个版本上几年级的课文? 嗯,明儿见,Mr.right 懂英语的朋友,帮忙解释下啥意思,顺便来句回复,谢了 麻烦,高手帮我看下这句话,哪里语法错了,不甚感谢After watching this movie, I'm very frustrating, because this film not only teaches me how to adjust mental attitudes to face with unfortunate, but let me understand the true meaning o 语法有什么错误,Dad,please ride your bicycle to work I want to say to my Dad.He is very fat.He usually go to work by his own car.Something withont faults will never be found.Although car is very convenient ,it is very harmful to his health.Beca Resources on earth are limited in supply.请问这里的limit为什么要改成imited HE utilizing all available resources to his utmost advantage 翻译 臧孙行猛政译文臧孙行猛政,子贡非之 ,曰:“ 独不闻子产之相郑乎推贤举能抑恶扬善有大略者不问其短有厚德者不非小疵家给人足囹圄空虚 .子产卒,国人皆叩心流涕,三月不闻竽琴之音.其生 陈胜 吴广起义什么时候? 陈胜、吴广起义的时间 根据例子改写被动语态例子是:原句:passengers should wear seat belts during the journey改写1:seat belts should be worn during the journey.改写2:Passengers are requested to wear seat belts during the journey现在请按要求 is natual,a man as old as he can be very forgetfulAs is natural,a man as old as he ____ be very forgetful.A.can B.should 应该选A.表示可能推测?那我选Bshould表示像他这个年纪的人“理论上应该”都很健忘.不是很对吗.sho 改写被动语态帮忙把But they found nothing.改为被动语态. 这里的inhabit an alternate reality是什么意思?Three months and 11 wins later,as Santorum continues to prosecute a race he has almost certainly lost,such talk is banished within his tight-knit circle.The mood,according to multiple sources insid 被动语态的改写题请将以下的句子改为被动语态1.People in many countries speak English.2.He has bought his son many good books.3.They took good care of the little animals4.You mustn't take books out of the reading room5.They saw the 英语被动语态改写He gave me a present. 这句改成被动的话,是不是present和I 都可以作主语,也就是有两种改法都对? los angeles narbor college中文名是什么? start作及物动词时候有被动语态吗? start有没有被动语态呢000大神们帮帮忙 start到底可不可以用被动语态?好纠结..