
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:17:38
he's a pirate这个音乐一共有多少种乐器啊?请详细列举,另外,有萨克斯么?或者是单簧管. 加勒比海盗主题曲 He's a Pirate各位大哥大姐 我就想要这首歌电影版的那个 就是电影片尾曲超长的那个千万别再给我那个1分30秒的链接地址了,那个我自己会或者谁知道怎么下那个超长版的,麻 与he's a pirate相似的曲叫什么名字?我记得好像在奥运会期间很多朋友制作的视频中除了he's a pirate还有一首曲子跟这个感觉很相似 叫什么名字呢? 英语翻译Comparison to his idols Freddie Jackson,Luther Vandross,Barry White and Will Downing don't bother Wendell Brown whose love affair with music began at the age of five when he made his foray into the industry by joining the gospel group the 妖精的英语怎么说就是那些骚狐狸,勾引别人老公的那种贱人大家给我推荐几个单词BITCH我懂,这个! 中国神话长篇小说有哪些? martin 汉字翻译 REMY MARTIN译中文 ASTON MARTIN用汉语怎么翻译? 求he's unbelievable歌词的中文翻译 英语翻译who saw you stumble baby,who let you fall,who gave you something out of nothin' at all?who's the one for you to turn to,when you're feeling low?who's always been there for you,darlin' you know who's gonna turn your back on,all that we had 按级别大小排序:1河外星系2总星系3太阳系4地月系5分钟内搞定最好! 地球 太阳系 银河系 河外星系 总星系的关系示意图 像太阳系、地月系、应河西、河外星系和总星系是不是天体啊 1.How I wish John recognized the fact that he______ in the wrong.A.always nearly is B.always is nearlyC.is nearly always D.nearly is always2.The __________ flowers were all that remained.A.two yellow little B.little two yellowC.yellow two little D.tw 英语翻译 英语翻译It's hard enough to make local relationships work,but having mile,States,and sometimes even an ocean between you makes it even more difficult.However,successful long distance relationships can and do exist.Here's how to give yours every c 有什么描写人物后悔心理的句子? 是做错了某一件事,很后悔.比如误会朋友偷了自己的笔之类的.只要描写后悔的滋味的句子.急呀! 愤怒的小鸟2012季节版中文版攻略给一个网页 狐狸精 英语怎么说好像是man什么?要不就是men什么?有万人迷的意思要不就是男人的天敌?主要是早上88.7里面放的一首歌但没听清楚 主要还是英语太烂呵呵不好意思 狐仙转世什么意思 “时光如水,总是无言.若你安好,便是晴天”用英语怎么说? 求搞笑的长一点点的英语情景对话,要在一定的环境中发生.幽默的长点的文章也行找了好多都不怎么符合要求,主要是对话要跟一定的情景相关才行! 急求英语四人情景对话时间在五至十分钟的,要求角色一起解决实际问题的,其他相似的也可,四人的量尽量均匀 一个 四人英语情景对话 要求 要幽默 大约4-5分钟 有中文 帮忙找篇四人的英语情景对话,关于在餐馆里点菜的,最好幽默的.关于在餐馆里点菜的,最好幽默的. 小飞侠彼得潘动画片的英文台词 酒店英语情景对话背景:say thank you in english on the phone to a guest who has stayed with you on business for a week.一位客人因出差在你们酒店住了一个星期,你用英语在电话中向客人致谢4人小品,安排四个角 关于酒店英语的情景对话~~One student should be the guest and the other is the hotel attendant. The guest has finished checking in and the hotel attendant needs to show the guest to his or her room. The situations are as flows:The hotel atte 求英语情景对话`酒店投诉关于Hotel service complaint一个人是经理另一个是客人```要用英语哦 急求酒店订车业务的英语情景对话,达人进小的就要一段简单点的情景对话,假设询问客人是否要车,客人表示同意,然后和客人确定时间,地点,车型的要求和付款方式,是现付还是挂房帐!您给出