
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:54:57
焚烧医疗垃圾烟气量怎么算?一吨产生多少废气? what anything else wouid you like in two weeks和after two weeks有什么区别?详细一点 after two weeks 和 two weeks later 有什么区别吗(用法上)> they ______(success) in designing the CD-ROM after working hard for two weeks 人们常用什么比喻.解放军和记者呢? it is two years ____they left thecountry A.afterit is two years ____they left thecountryA.after B.before C.until D.since这个应该选哪个.请把原因说清楚其他的呢。为什么不选其它的。把每个用法说清楚。 They came back after two weeks这句话对吗 英语改否定句,一般疑问句急Tom did his homework yeseterday They stayed in beijing for two weeks 英语翻译【 】very hard【 】 【 】 Russian in China.3.He showed great interest in learn English.改为同义句 He [ ] [ ] in learn English.为什么,用的什么语法, 英语翻译用study应该怎么翻译?是study swim;study swimming;study go swimming还是其他的?确定了再回答,感激不尽! An old man and his little son were traveling with their donkey(完形填空) Two men from the US were traveling in Spain.One morning,they 91_____________ into a little restaurant for lunch.They could not speak Spanish,and their waiter did not understand English.They wanted him 92_____________ that they wanted some milk and sa They were little awkward with the ( ) of the 25 years old man behaving like a small child.A.activity B.achievement C.accident D.attraction 求nom nom nom之歌 尺寸标注后面的NOM是什么意思? 图纸上的NOM是什么意思 求问电子 中子 质子 的计算有何公式? 法语中prénom 对应的是我们中国人的姓还是名?二楼那位专家确说是姓 到底谁的对呐~ 厨房的金属壶是什么金属制成的 氧化铁是化工产品还是金属产品? 废水中硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮的来源有哪些 厨房用的金属球是干什么用的 以what will be done to make our city move beautiful and attractive?为题的英语作文高一英语作文 要求是write apassage using the future passive voice 在标准状态下,a克重水中所含的中子,电子的物质量 常温常压下,3.6毫升的水所含的电子数和种子数如题 我的世界枪械版有没有移动版 就是手机版 世界上最大的移动电话网络运营商是? Multisim中LM324这个器件有很多不同的种类,比如LM324AD,LM324N.请问它们之间都有什么不同?那么其他后缀也是代表封装的不同吗? LM324N和LM324AD到底有什么不同啊? lm324和lm324n有什么区别? LM324N与LM324D有什么区别 We went on holiday last year/They've got a car.改成否定句.