
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:03:39
一个英文题:I wonder who you would rather ___the speech instead of you at the new—year party.A.have make B.have to makeC.to have make D.have made 谁能告诉我故事里面那个数学家是谁?那个数学家毕业很早,校长看他还是个孩子便问他多大了,他说“我年龄的三次方是一个四位数,我年龄的四次方是一个六位数,这个四位数和这个六位数正 请告诉我3个短些的数学家的轶事?一定要短 改为被动语态 1these kinds of machines___(make) in Japan.2apples ___ ____(grow) in this farm. 谁能给我传一下这两篇论文范文 Great Gatsby:A Mirror of America in the 1920's和Great Gatsby:A Mirror of America in the 1920's 和 The significant social problems reflected in The Great Gatsby 或者是分析一下美国19世纪20、30 These kinds of machines are sold well 改错 My most famous relative of all,( )who really left his mark on America,was Rob Sussel.A.one B.the one C.he D.someone为什么选A不选B啊,难道没有特指吗? About seven ____(twelve) of these machines wee made in our factory this is a factory.these machines make crisps怎么读? 英语单项题in the sane way____ we chinese people do填什么?A.what B.which C.at which D./ X的三次方+X的平方+X+1=0,则X的负27次方+X的负26次方+...+X的27次方为 is known to the world,Mark Twain is a great American writer.A That B Which C As 选B非限制性定从? is known to the world ,mark twain is a great american writer13.______ is known to the world,Mark Twain is a great American writer.A.ItB.AsC.WhichD.That我想知道为什么不选that,that不是也可以引导定语从句么还有,这个句子为什 as is known to the world,mark twain is a great writer这是 定语从句,修饰哪个名词? x^2+5x-150=0,求X 8.5x+150%x=30 A被意识到的个性倾向性 B洞察事物的出发点 C判断事物是非曲直的准则 D具有自觉性和独立性 E由认识情感意志构成的融合体 试叙贯彻三个代表重要思想关键在坚持与时俱进,核心在坚持党的先进性,本质在坚持执政为民 I my Mike Smith.(改为一般疑问句) Im Mike smith.(改为一般疑问句) 被减数是84,减数是差的三分之四,减数是( ) my baseball is on the floor,under the bed这句话中on the floor和under the bed可以倒过来吗?应该没有什么语序吧? My baseball is on the floor under the bed.对 on the floor under the bed 提问 贯彻三个代表重要思想,关键在于( ),核心在于( ),本质在于( ) ( )对于推进社会主义民主政治建设 什么是社会主义的本质要求,实践三个代表重要思想的具体体现,是立党为公、执政为民的根本要求? samuel langhorne clemens是什么意思 As a famous writer, Mark Twain was also famous in his day as a teller of funny stories. He often we 债权人行使代位权的费用由谁承担第七十三条 因债务人怠于行使其到期债权,对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以向人民法院请求以自己的名义代位行使债务人的债权,但该债权专属于债务人自身 民法_合同法要代位权行使的要件,不是代位权的构成要件 代位权行使的费用怎样呢? 在一个减法算式中,被减数是84,减数是差的3倍.减数是( )