
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:51:41
竹子头下面加一个司 念什么? He is proud that he is the winner of the first prize. He is proud ___ ___ the first prize. 急啊! 竹子头下面一个寿字念什么? ___[A.It B.There]is no possibility that he can win the first prize. The boy was____excited_____he won the first prize.A.so;as B.so;that a little prize其中为什么要用a little来修释prize I _____1000 english words by the end of last termAhave learnedBhad learned Cwould learnDwas learning说明原因谢谢 词语填空 要按照后面的要求来填空啊啊!()言()语,说了很多话 仿写句子!好心人帮下忙!在线等!ing.祖国是一棵生机勃勃的大树,我就是树上的一片绿叶.祖国是————————,我就是——————————.祖国是—————————,我就是————— 现代汉语短语的功能类中,把主谓短语归入谓词性短语,那么像“今天星期三”这样的句子,主语谓语都是名词,整个短语应当是名词性的啊.为什么这种情况不归入名词性短语呢? He ____(think)hard and then had an idea. Think hard,you will find an i____请写出 My sister thuoght hard about it,then she ( ) idea. A.have a B. have an C.had a D.had an清分析一下 句子 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 小学英语儿歌大全 竹子头 下面加一个巫 是什么字啊? 怎么翻译和理解这句话 city life is millions of people being lonesome together We should help and learn --------each other.为什么要填from?我一定会采纳. 请好心人给我一首描写和平的诗句 好心人,帮忙查词语的意思.谢谢给分风声鹤唳风靡一时蜂拥而来关怀备至甘拜下风 八年级下册英语,第4单元,根据句意及首字母提示填写正确单词 People life in the future We will have a happy life___.A.once a week B.in the future C.in the word D.now 为什么这个句子So和because可以连用?So because you wated to make room,you said you and you and you have to be sent back to be killed? :此句中because so 的连用that‘s because i have always known about your crack,so i planted flower on your side of the path. because能和so连用吗?为什么?那应该怎么用? because和 so能连用么 请照样子各填四个词.收税---税收(意思不相同)开溜---溜开(意思相同)( )对容易,正如( )对困难 有哪位好心人帮帮忙,这人四字词语怎么填:( )爽( )秋.谢谢! 怎么写?..句型转换.每空一词 Let,s make a PuPPet! us a on make let the face snowman的连词成句 make a