
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:38:41
苏州英语口语听力训练,希望能提高英语口语能力! 需要一个有个性的英文Q名尽量长一点,可以有中文字尽量长一点,不一定是英文名字,有含义一点的,可以有中文字 求一个英语Q名求一个潘水庆的英语Q名并写出意思 用这个英文起一个Q名Neil 起一个好看点~. 洗字怎么组词 洗可以组什么词 初二英语同一句转换1.Mary is fifteen years old.Jim is fifteen years old,too.Mary is________ _________ _______Jim.2.John is the tallest student in his class.John is ______ _______ _____ _______student in his class. 一、 照样子写出带加点字的词语.绿:( )绿、( )绿、( )绿、( )绿、( )绿、雪:漫天( )( ),( )( )皑皑,( )( )( )( ),风&雨:( )风( )雨,( )风( )雨,( 绿绿的怎么组词 照样子写词语 绿绿的浓阴 绿绿的什么组词 英语翻译She won ¥25000 by typing text messages on her cellphone.She took part in the first American National Texting Championship.She typed"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"in just 15 seconds.How long does it take you? 英语翻译刘基写的 谁知道啊 英语翻译 Mel is a 7-year-old-girl.She lives with her mom,dad and brother.One day……知道全文的请翻译. the city often rains and snows in winter.(否定句)the city ( )often( )( )( )in winter. 初二英语句子变形把下列句子有直接引语变成间接引语:1.He said"I am a teacher."2."You are good"3."I am going hiking for vacation"4."She is doing homework now"5."Are you a student"6."Does he go home on foot?"7."Where are you goin 初二英语句行转换,急He took the Airport Express to Japan.对the Airport Express 提问 there ( )a basketball game this afternoon.a will have b is going to be c has d ia going to hane there will be a nice football match on TV at four in this afternoon.in this afternoon in this afternoon和this afternoon的区别.考试时候老师会扣分吗 《大学》和《中庸》是包括在《礼记》里面的吗四书指的是《论语》《孟子》《大学》和《中庸》;而五经指的是《诗经》《尚书》《礼记》《周易》《春秋》,可是礼记里面包括了大学和中 道德经、大学、中庸、礼记和尚书的字数能否提供中国古典《道德经》、《大学》、《中庸》、《礼记》和《尚书》的全文字数, 英语翻译还有:义、节、廉 “人一能之,己百之……”到底是出自哪里?中庸还是礼记? Donna Brown,a 14-year-old girl,was very sick.She had a bad heart 这是一篇阅读理解题这是一篇阅读理解,最后一题他问 What have you learned from the story?怎么答?【我也是南通的】 初三0基础英语怎么学? 初三基础英语He picked up the wallet_____(lie) on the ground.He was let ___(enter) the room. 三年级的入门英语是学26个字母吗? 曼德拉的三句名言引发了你怎样的思考?举几个例子! 英语翻译要纯正的,不要机械的, 史铁生的主要作品有哪些 英语翻译罗马音我有点看不懂