
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:05:25
有四个同学求代数式2(x-1)²+2011的值,下列结果中一定错误的是a是201,b是2012,c是2013,c是2014.麻烦解释清楚一点, I can play tennis with a racket 对a racket 提问,改为特殊疑问句是什么?RT 政治简答题.说明哲学的“自由”范畴与政治生活中使用的“自由”概念的联系与区别. 英语作文校服 河南英语ab级成绩查询 判断对错 英文怎么说 英语判断对错2.Like pece of the children 这句话翻译有没有问题 还有他the children love pece The children who love peace.who加与不加行吗 还有It is a children who love pece 看看有没有很严重的问题还有It is a peace f 一架飞机0.2小时飞行153.3千米,是一辆汽车的10.9倍.这辆汽车的速度是多少? my sister has a computer.改为一般疑问句 My sister has many hobbies改成一般疑问句 my sister has a dog.改成疑问句 中国近代史:南京建立的是三个政权 器件IO口的吸收(sink)电流和源(source)电流是多少? "A+be+adj.比较级+than+b"例句 英语中“ASK”是什么意思?最好说出它的反义词.Thank you! Ask:这首英文歌的歌名是什么首先,恭贺新禧啦^^请问 这首歌的歌名是什么或者把歌词给写一下 we are going to the Great Wall _______ next weekA.some timesB.sometime 英语判断对错, 判断对错(英语)In the UK,you can have a bank account at the age of seven.In the USA,you're allowed to drive a car when you are 18,but you're not allowed to fly a glider plane until you turn 21. 比如说I am playing football. 和I playing fottball .哪个对 为什么我老师说形容词和名词后面要加be动词对吗?那么哪些是不用加be的? I am playing football.中playing football是作表语么? I am fond of you and playing football.play为什么要用动名词? My cousin has a good friend 改成一般疑问句,并作出肯定回答,怎么回答?Tom has a kite 改成一般疑问句,并作出肯定回答,Jeey has a cup of tea如上,怎么改? ask EnglishDo you still want them?=Do you want them____?A.yet B.now C.more D.even 几个英文谜语ask.how did the sailor know there wasn`t a man on the moon?what`s an astronaut`s favourite fish?what kindof star is notseen in the sky? 求everyday i m shuffling 歌词 i am depress everyday! That made me ( ) happy A.feel B.felt c.feels D.feeling some colours can make you feel warm ,these colours can give you a happy and satisfied feeling 瓷婚是什么意思? 家是半自由语素还是不自由语素? 指出下列字哪些是自由语素、半自由语素或不自由语素?哪些不能单独做语素?思、蝙、齿、柿、马、黑、踌、光、荣、高、阿、者