
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:40:58
哪些字加一笔读音完全不同,如茶cha加一笔读荼tu 为什么在外语里茶有时叫tè有时叫cha? Don't have your phone on when u r in the library.Ayes,i will Bno ,i won't?为什么选B 一个男人喝醉了打一种动物脑筋及转弯 out of focus 你有这个插件的安装文件吗? out focus in 有关成功的句子 .有急用!要朗朗上口的,或者抒情的,或者豪放的,反正适合带感情朗读的就好,真的真的是急用!至于内容 只有有关成功就行,比如创新啦,创优啦,等等越多越好, you are a,little out of focus :) 中华柱上是什么动物 柱子上挂着一个动物的头,所有人都抬头看,请问是什么动物 With proper measures,the economy in China is beginning to _____ again.A.rise up B.hold on C.pick up D.take on那个正确,分别表达什么含义. 吞江天打一动物 chan在一起的“chan”怎么写? 以读书为话题的作文开头,越扯越好,要天马行空的想象!开头个性一点,我是初三的,越个性越好! 你心目中未来的海洋是什么样子的?结合课文内容,搜集相关资料,写一篇短文.不要天马行空的想,要合理. 好听的男生英文名,带一个涑(su)字音.比如sure,但是这个是女生的,注意!要的是 男生的,带su音的, He kicked the ball and it went _a holea. inb. onc. for d. into 23.when theirmother came,the two children pretended ______ very hard,though they didnothing.A)work at theirlessonsB)to work at theirlessonsC)working in theirlessonsD)to work in theirlessons nod是什么意思 听听力时有一个问题问鸟在干什么,答案是nodding, pascal中nod是什么意思 nod to 什么意思he always nodded to me politely when he met me in school我查出来nod to 是向什么点头的意思 有打招呼的意思? oscar 可以帮我写一篇想象作文吗?题目什么都行,别太天马行空了,别写太好,但也别太烂啊! 填入适当的单词:1、Do you ___ wear uniforms in school No ,we don't ___ wear uniforms in school every day ,but we ___ wear uniforms on Monday .2、What else do you ___ do We ___ clean the classroom every day .句型转换“1、Mary has to we experience and good knowledge of the city are necessary.这句话是啥意思? are you off work now?还是do you off work now? YOU ARE VERY BUYS NOW?是什么意思啊? _____you _____(work) now?是时态练习 I love coming I hope that this love I can I The little boy______(can't,aren't)read or write.填哪个 The little boy can write____for computers.