
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:04:59
世界上所有花的名字.和寓意有多少写多少,还要分类.美德分一类,邪恶的分一类. 北京都有什么上一休一的工作?lz之前没有什么工作经验,想自己出来租房住,所以每月需要争1千多块钱,目前在家复习考研,所以上一天休一天的工作正合适,请大家帮忙说说北京有这样的工作吗? 一休什么意思 盆栽的绿叶植物需要天天往叶子上喷水吗?家里养的白掌、绿萝、螺旋铁、鸿运当头,现在夏天来了,屋里比较干燥,这些花需要天天往叶子上喷水吗,有的花叶尖有点枯黄发黑是不是不往叶子上 是同一个意思吗? 谁花名主是什么意思 花与花的寓意如康乃馨:慈祥的母爱答好了又追加分第一时间的采纳仅限十分钟急;/(ㄒoㄒ)/~ tomorrowv tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tom Sorry I'm late.I _____have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.填一个情态动词为什么填might而不填may呢? i‘m sorry i have to____for the english testA.study B,studies C.studying Sorry,I'm late.I ---the alarm clock and gone back to sleep againA might have turned off B should have turned off C could have turned off D need have turned off 关于母爱的作文600字左右怎么写都可以只要有关于母爱的就行了 八年英语:I'm sorry to be late.(同义句转换) I'm sorry ( ) ( )late.八年英语:I'm sorry to be late.(同义句转换) I'm sorry ( ) ( )late. I'm sorry (  )late. 母爱作文600字左右写的真实点,感动点.要写发生在自己身上的故事. 她的书包在失物招领处吗 英语怎么说 Sorry,I'm late话回答什么A OK B Yes CThat‘s all right DThank you Sorry.I'm “I'm sorry,I'm late.”怎么回答? I'm sorry,I'm late 这句是什么意思? I'm sorry I'm late._______A It doesn't matterB Don't come in,pleaseC Here you areD That's right “我找不到我的手表”用英语怎么说 我正在找我的手表用英语怎么说 我的手表又坏了英语怎么说? 连词成句初二英语.1 think where you he do lives2come if like I you could tomorrow3sister girl in the is red hat a my选择词的适当形式填空get write own work1but no one really( )the internetitself2it is possible for you( )at home with a i am sorry i am late again相同 i am sorry my late again. Sorry,Sir.I promise______ again.A.to not be late B.don't be late C.be not late D.not to be lateShe is a good girl.She often _______her grandfather.A.looks at B.looks afterC.looks D.looks up Don"t ____again.Sorry i won"t A late B to late C be late D are late Sorry I'm late but I won't be late again.(改同义句) Sorry I'm late but______ won't _______ again. am sorry'-----'be late againA about B for C to D that 我想背英语单词增加词汇量,但不知道选择什么样的书籍,请经验的推荐一下因为我想进外企或做翻译之类的工作 什么是副词?那些单词是副词?副词用来干什么?末尾加ly有什么用 是不是形容词后面加了ly就是副词,其他词后面加了ly是不是副词?