
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:32:24
若函数f(x)=ax^3+ax+2若f(x)=ax^3+ax+2(a不等于0)在[-6,6]上满足f(-6)>1,且f(6)<1,则f(x)=1的根的个数为如何判断是左上还是右下呢图画的有点不好看··· ___is reported in the newspaper is that more than one hundred people were killed in that big fire.A.What B.As C.It D.That the newspaper reported that( having) the increase in the minimum wage,many people are still having trouble making ends meet.正确的应该是even withhaving 是修饰 newspaper的,要想修饰people就要用介词with请问having 为什么是修 利用完全平方公式分解因式1.998²2.700²-1400x698+698² 用6 6 2 5算24 我算的时候没有用到一元二次方程,不知自己是否算错了.所以恳请大家把正确的算法告诉我,让我核对一下,机械加工需要用油进行润滑以减小摩擦,某企业加工一台大型机械设备润滑用油量为90 两个人沿着运动的电动扶梯往下跑,一个人速度是u,另一人速度是nu,第一人计算梯子有a级,第二人计算有b级,问升降梯的级数N和速度v. 一艘宇宙飞船飞近某一新发现的行星,并进入靠近行星表面的圆形轨道绕行数圈后,着陆在该行星上,飞船上备有以下实验器材:A.精确秒表一个 B.已知质量为m的物体一个C.弹簧测力计一个 D 分解因式:第一题:2y+3xy=______第二题:2(a+2)+3b(a+2)=______第三题:2a+4+3ab+6b=______ 单项式的乘法.(1)5a乘(-2a^2)= (2)-3xy乘2xy^2 (3)3ab^2c乘(-6分之5ab)= (4)2(x-y)乘3(y-x) 左边一个米右边一个广读什么这是怎么字 一元二次x²-18x+80=0 "左边一个金字,右边一个广字"这个字怎么读, 解求初三20道解方程题【一元二次】 直线2x-y+3=0关于直线x-y+2=0对称的直线方程是 直线y=2x关于点(3,-1)对称的直线方程是___.帮我想想(a+1)/2=3,(b+2)/2=-1 是什么意思 It reported that _____people in the world are suffering from the H1N1 flu.A.several thousands of B.the thousands C.thousands of D.thousandC.为什么 A.不可以 ,我查过有 several thousands of 这种形式 ,那为什么 不行呢 , We will have a party____the evening of May 1st We will have an Evening party( )Friday afternoon. My grandma was born in ___ .This year we will have a special party for her ___ birthday A.The 195最好有为什么 We have a party in the evening.(对划线部分提问) —————— —— —— —— ——in the evening? 21、倾角为 =30°的斜面体放在水平地面上,一个重为G的球在水平力F的作用下,静止在光滑斜面上,则水平力F的大小为_________;若将力F从水平方向逆时针转过某一角度 后,仍保持F的大小,且小球 已知a分之一加b分之一等于三,求9a+7ab+9b分之2a-3ab+2b的值. 已知a分之一加b分之一等于3,求(2a-3ab+2b)除以(9a+7ab+9b)的值 如图,B(6,0),E(0,6)直线y=3x+3与x轴,y轴分别交于A、C点P为直线BE上一点,且角CPE=角CAB(1)求∠PCA的度数(2)求点P的坐标. 如图,B(6,0),E(0,6),直线y=3x+3与x轴,Y轴分别交于A,C点,P为BE上一点,且角CPE=角CAB,求角PCA度数,求点P坐标 The baby was born _ six p.m._a cold morninga,at on b,at with 时态问题It was reported that more than one million people ignored light showersIt was reported that more than one million people ignored light showers on May 2,2008 to cheer the Olpympic torch relay in Hong Kong.为什么这里是ignored 而不 It is reported that the floods have left about _________ people homeless.A. two thousand B. two-thousands C. two thousands D. two thousands of 答案:A解释一下 求直线2X-Y+1=0关于直线X-Y+2=0对称的直线方程 It is reported that the foods have left about ______people homeless.A two thousandsB two-thousandsC two thousandsD two thousands of 选一个 Which city in China is above the clouds?Which city in Mexico has over 21 million people?最好用英语来回答