
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:47:39
My brother with his friends __If it __tomorrow.1 are you to hike;doesn't rain 2 is going hiking ;doesn't rain 为什么不选一 酬乐天频梦微之(元稹) 表现手法最好写明哪里体现了这些手法 梦元九 白居易 酬乐天频梦微之 元稹两首是都表现了诗人什么样的思想感情?分析两者的不同点?梦元九 白居易 酬乐天频梦微之 元稹晨起临风一惆怅,山水万重书断绝,通川湓水断相闻.念君怜 most of them were hearing this story for the first time为什么要用were hearing,这不是过去进行时么 Many of them were moved to tears, as it was the first time for them 这句话什么意思翻译,准确 This is song I've told you ahout.lsn't it beautiful one?A.the;the B.a;a C.the;a D.a;the 要有原因 有没有文言文好的!生日的时候被最好的朋友感动了!想用文言文表达自己的心情, I'll be right with you . 求i'll be with you歌词是Kat-tun的! I'll Be With You The children chortled all the time while they were hearing the story.The children were chortling all the time while they were hearing the story.The children chortled all the time while they heard the story.怎么就不行?语法不对吗?还是 If you _ wait a moment,I'll go and meet manager with youA.can B.should C.will D.must答案是C,为什么不选A I'll be going to learn so not a moment to chat with you.这个句式是否正确?这个句式是否正确,请各位老师指正,详细的说明下这个句式, 杜甫的《江汉》的翻译及赏析, 外貌重要还是品格重要的英文辩论稿(我方的观点是品格重要) Matur is not man is heart is old,can tear is circle smile. 杜甫:的翻译和评价 杜甫的《月夜忆舍弟》原文和译文还有张九龄的《望夜怀远》的原文和译文 织田信长英语发音是什么? 急求一辩论稿 关于生活水平高 文化就高为话题的辩论稿! 织田信长的长读什么音啊如题 我急需一篇关于学历是否等于能力的辩论稿,要求有需要事例.我是正方学历等于能力. 织田信长怎么死的 在哪 He found a bird in the tree.中的in the tree 是什么成份? 春天像——————————————.造句20字 虞世南●蝉表面上是写蝉,实际上是用了什么手法. 谁帮我写一首咏物诗啊,要自己写的哦,不能在网上抄,因为我们要交……不然会挂科要超过四行诶…… 查一首“咏物诗”,随便什么都可以,只要是“咏物诗”就行如题 写一首咏物诗 蝉这是一首咏物诗阅读答案 The last thing to be neglected is to observe the filial piety.帮分析下这个句子吧 The Last Thing To Go 歌词