
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:20:21
英语翻译100字左右 “红军都是钢铁汉,千锤万炼不怕难”的修辞手法及作用 x方+2ax+y方+a方-4=0 a属于R与C2:x方+y方-2by-1+b方=0 b属于R恰有三条公切线、则a+b的最小值为 两个圆C1:x方+2ax+y方+a方-4=0 a属于R与C2:x方+y方-2by-1+b方=0 b属于R恰有三条公切线、则a+b的最小值为A-6B-3C-3根号2D3 They ____the kite at school this morning横线上应该填什么?A:fly B:flide C:flew Mike has breakfast at six in the morning改现在进行时 The shop closes at this time of day改为同义句改为同义句只要填两个空 给出的答案The shop________ ____________ at this time of day 是否存在实数p使得“4x+p0”的必要条件?如果存在,求出p的取值范围 I hurried to school this morning (改为同义句)I( )toI hurried to school this morning (改为同义句)I( )to school( )a( )this morning 用四张卡片0,6,1,8任意取3张摆成一个三位数,末尾有0的可能性是多少?中间有0的可能性是多少,摆成3的倍数的可能性是多少 I hurried to school this morning 改为同义句 daming hurried to school this morning 改为否定句 My sister h___ to school without having breakfast this morning应该用什么时态?是填hurry还是填hurried?KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!怎样判断时态?3Q了11! 红军都是港铁汉,千锤百炼不怕难 这一句突出红军怎样的气概 有4张卡片3.6.1.8,任意取三张摆成一个三位数,能摆出多少个数?末尾是3的可能性是().中间是3的可能性是() 用四张卡片8、0、3、4任意摆成一个三位数.1.末尾是0的数的可能性是多少.2.中间有0的数的可能性是多少? 1/1-sin^4x不定积分 求1-sin^4x的不定积分 求不定积分cos^4x/sin^2xdx 用四张卡片0、5、1、2任意取3张摆成一个三位数,末尾有0的数的可能性是多少?中间有0的可能性是多少? 用下面张卡片任意组成一个三位数.5、 0、 7、 8.末尾有0的数可能性是多少?中间有0的数可能性是多少? have a big dinner是什么意思 my family often (have) a big dinner i(stop) a long time agohe alwyas (ride)his bike to school用所给的单词的正确形式填空 10y+5=11y-5-2y怎么解 They need ___ their homework first.A,to do B.doing C.finish D.finishes Mr.hu,our P.E.teacher,always( )games with usA.plays B.play C,playing D.to play 初中家校联系单怎么填 家长反馈意见 谁知道《七律.长征》中“云崖暖”和“铁索寒”是什么意思请快回答 Mike isn't good at Chinese.(改为否定句) (2y-1)/3=(2y+1)/6-1速度 I`ve been so selfish because I love you so much,and i know how much you love me .But it`s over.是 i know the news has been a shock,but i'm sure you'll soon get over it.请翻译请分析上半句的语法结构 It is a reason ___ l have been waiting for for over ten years ,though I know it can be a made-up one.A.why B.for which C.what D.that 把理由讲一下,