
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:39:02
lt has many drawers.l put my shirts in it It has many flower改为同义句 take pictures什么意思 take pictures of the local people 的意思是 给当地人照相 还是当地人照的照片 前者还是后者? warm的中文是什么 定语不就是形容词吗 对于不能作定语的性质形容词.我是外国人.引文:不能作定语的性质形容词如“碎(说话唠叨)、吃香、广、过瘾、好受、昏、久、滥、累赘、齐心、起劲”等103个,占形容词总数的3.7%.吕叔湘(19 银装素裹、波澜壮阔、街头巷尾、惊恐万状、负隅顽抗、悲愤欲绝、与世长辞、风帆蔽空其中三个词语造句. Love keep you warm中文是什么意思 风帆蔽空的近义词是啥? DEMON - WARM LOVE 是什么意思啊?还有,以外国的标准来判断,写法对么?请纠正没有天使这东西吧 Is it good for children to have mobile phones? student don't need to have移动的phones at school 以下韩国人名如何翻译成中文?这里有两个韩国人名,请问如何翻译成中文?Sun Gul HongTat Yan Kong a few,few,little,a little的区别,最好有例句?尽可能的详细 英文名danny和Daniel 是同一个名字吗? few 、a few 、little、a little的区别是什么?最好有例句. 上面一个 "执" 字,下面一个"贝" 字是什么字? Share share one 什么意思? 用所给词的适当形式填空 Who is __(young),Tom,Ken or Cary?This ruler is __(long)of the four.改变句子,意思不变A:How heavy are you?B:_____your_____? 任加贝是什么字啊 Tom Perry:if you continue with these unfair actions,I will say only four啥意思求翻译Tom Perry:if you continue with these unfair actions,I will say only four letters in bold:F-U-C-K. I thing dog is beautiful.But it's too h( 我是天蝎座女孩,很中性,像要一个中性的英文名字. warm to remind Though you've got to get them to do it , by helping too much.那位大虾帮忙分析一下句子成分及翻译一下句意,先谢过了? if you can't get to sleep,them get up and try to do something------liying in bed填什么A.and B.or C.instead of D.because of 最好讲为什么 This is a comedy called NO.1.为什么这句话既有“is”又有"called " This is called The Blue Danube.此处called 可用哪个词替换? sunny and warm怎么翻译 代字下边一个鱼念什么? 鱼下边不是一而是四点水