
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:08:16
唐三彩是干什么用的 高三英语单选题!急求解答!9 Susan was expecting her favorite singers, but to her disappointment, ______ appeared. A. some B. none C. everyone D. no one10 Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don’t get enough w 猪是什么东西,长什么样? 超是什么意思 高三英语单选题6It is ( ) most moving novel and I want to read it ( ) second time.A.a;a Bthe;a为什么选A不选B啊 how many electric equipment are used in your kitchen错在哪 Electric equipment and lights作主语时谓语用单数还是复数? 烧一根不均匀的绳,从头烧到尾总共需要1个小时.现在有若干条材质相同的绳子 问如何用烧绳的方法来计时烧一根不均匀的绳,从头烧到尾总共需要1个小时.现在有若干条材质相同的绳子问如何 山行古诗描写了哪些景物 输出功率什么情况下=I²R,跟机械功率有什么区别? P=U²/R跟P=I²R的区别我知道一个用于并联一个用于串联 但在判断两个灯泡一个220V 100W 一个220V25W 25W的电阻大 根据P=U²/R来说是没错 但用P=I²R得出 R=p/I² 电流相等 功率大的电阻 R²=18.7²+(R-7.2)²怎么解? 200米怎么跑得快!我Q:1293543728!Q上说! 有谁知道衣架代表什么意思啊? 把自己挂在了晾衣架上是什么意思 用东张西望和左顾右盼写一句连贯的话! MYSQL计算年龄的问题(YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birth)) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5) 我明天就要交的! 英语翻译我们英语课要作一个关于音乐方面的讲演,我想讲super junior最新专辑.希望朋友们帮忙将下面的文字翻译成英文,感激不尽!新专辑的主打歌《Don't Don》中每一名成员都表现出了全新的个 一根能烧一小时的绳子,现在有若干条绳子,怎么记时一小时十五分呢? 如图,在△ABC中,AD平分∠BAC交BC于点D,∠ABC,∠ACB的平分线交AD于点O,过点O作OE⊥BC于点E,试判断∠BOD与∠EOC是否相等 i think he isn't w____ he used to be越快越好!1.i think he isn't w____ he used to be.(填空+翻译)2.on sunday .children play h___ in the park.(同上)3.he was afraid of l___ face.(同上)4.the girl in the park dance ____(美丽的).(填 I think you to be honest这句话有语法错误吗?为什么说没人会这么说?to be honest i used to think that I'm unstoppableiused to think that I'm unstoppableBut……When I was a little boy,I just think I can be a superheroHa,really childish.I don't like my childishness.But sometimes I need it.Where my damn confidence?I lost it.I don' 填空,要序号, 中国简介(按序号填空即可)1、中国位于(1)( )州的东部,(2)( )洋的西岸,有(3)( )万平方千米的国土面积,邻国有(4)( )国(5)( )国(6)( )国(7)( )国等.2、我国 1.He is honest and warm-hearted.____is why we trust him.A.it B.that C.this 2.The village seemed deserted,the only sign of life ___some trees waving in the howling wind.A.were B.being C.was D.to be3.The village seemed deserted,and the only sign of lif He is honest and warm-hearted .(that) is why we trust him.为什么不能用this?我的理解是this is (the reason) why we trust him. 鲁滨逊漂流记 按什么顺序写的 有两根粗细不均匀的香,香烧完的时间是一个小时,用什么方法能确定一段15分钟的时间?在报纸上看到的,和往常的不一样,怎么用正规方法做到十五分钟的? 请全部解答 谢谢 表上序号 帮忙把他们的答案算出来(表上序号)1、下列说法正确的是( ) A绝对值较大的数较大 B绝对值较大的数较小 C绝对值相等的两数相等 D相等两数的绝对值相等2、下列用四舍五入法得到的近