
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:48:14
谁能帮我翻译出澳大利亚地址86,The,trongate,Granville,nsw,Australia,2142 请帮翻译一个澳大利亚地址:4 Coogee Avenue The Entrance North NSW 2261 Australia 132 Northam Ave,Bankstown NSW 2200,澳大利亚请问132 Northam Ave,Bankstown NSW 2200在悉尼的哪个区?治安如何?多是什么人聚居? Our upstairs kept us awake by playing the d_____ every night快(有追加) where should i go when i get off?怎样译这个句子? Could you give me a English name? my nme begins with the letter He takes a walk t_______the park on center street every morning首字母填空 英语翻译在一篇题目为 BORDER CROSSINGS 的英语文章中,有一句 including up to 100 cigars and 100 cigarettes .AMERICANS RETURNING TO THE US.less than 48 hours:$200us 48huors or more:$800ue duty-free personal exemption,nest $1,000 US at 请帮忙翻译,Honoring pending orders and purchases,including exchanges and refunds. giraffes are cute animals 还是giraffes are cute animal 为什么? 黄尘意外,青山眼里的具体含义是什么表达了作者怎样的思想感情 掉钱眼里是什么意思? 我昨天在报纸上看到一个英国男孩的消息:I___ ___an Engllish boy______the newspaper yesterday你可以乘坐10路公交车:You can take bus____ ______. where i want to go-Leah Nobel 求英文歌词 昨天那个男孩带领他们去了那家超市.the boy _ _ _ the supermarket yesterday. 伞的故事 “我偶然一抬头,望见了娘那带笑的黄油布似的脸,心里一酸,眼里涌出了泪水”用了什么修辞手法 “我偶一抬头,望见了娘那带笑的黄油布似的脸,心里一酸,眼里涌出了泪水…”这句话中“黄油布似的脸”...“我偶一抬头,望见了娘那带笑的黄油布似的脸,心里一酸,眼里涌出了泪水…”这句 “我偶一抬头,看见了娘那带笑的黄油布的似的脸,心里一酸,眼里涌出了泪水……”这句话表达看“我”?“我偶一抬头,看见了娘那带笑的黄油布的似的脸,心里一酸,眼里涌出了泪水……”这句 伞的故事阅读答案:“妈!”我一抬头,忽的,我看见了妈妈那带笑的黄油布似的脸,我心里一酸,“妈!”泪水就从眼里涌了出来……”请想象一下“……”省略的内容,当时会是怎样的情景,用三四 ."我偶一抬头,望见了娘那带笑的黄油布似的脸,心里一酸,眼里涌出了泪水…… '' 你读懂了什么? 连词成句1.Yang Ling,about,newspaper,yesterday,French,in,read,the,in,the,afternoon,girl business report格式Business report应该怎么写?格式请详细点, 求一篇business report有关于化妆品的 也可以是别的话题 不过一定要英文的 以下几个部分:the title fly ,the title page ,the letter of transmittal,the executive summary,the table of continent,the body,the appendix and the bib BUSINESS REPORT FRAMEWORK帮忙弄个报告.什么报告都可以.但要按下面的步骤:1.title2.audience3.purpose for writing4.introduction,body.conclusion.5.NEed data.6.source of information.还有报告的数据表~ 求一篇business report,英文的范文模板最好是不要有太多语法上的错误,准确无误最好了, John walks——than paul.A.more slow B.much more slow C.more slowly D.many more slow这题为什么选C,而不选B呢, john is more taller than sue这里为什么不可以用more John Strauss the younger wrote more than 400 waltzes (more than 400 画线 )对划线部分提问 When international aid is given,steps must be taken to ensure (确保)that the aid reaches the people for whom it is intended.The way to achieve this may not be simple.It is very difficult for a nation to give help directly to people in another natio The new clothes make you [ look/looks/looking ] beautiful填哪一个 shares on the London Stock Exchange traded sharply lower than Friday.问这句话的谓语在哪里?