
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:12:15
已知a+b+c=0,代数式a(1/b+1/c)+b(1/a+1/c)+c(1/b+1/a)的值 某畜牧场养牛500头,比猪的数量多四分之一,这个畜牧场养猪多少头? 代数式|a|/a+|b|/b+|c|/c的所有可能的值有( )个急 若a-2=b+c则代数式a(a-b-c)-b(a-b-c)+c(b-a+c)的值为 matlab的问题 函数里面括号的数字的意义代表什么inputWeights=net_1.IW{1,1}比如这句里面的1,inputWeights=net_1.IW{1,1}inputbias=net_1.b{1}layerWeights=net_1.LW{2,1}layerbias=net_1.b{2} matlab里的tanh()函数括号内可以采用别的函数吗?clearh=1;l=eval(solve('x*tanh(x*h)=4','x'));l以上是我的函数 运行后显示警告:Explicit solution could not be found.> In solve at 179 但是如果我直接在solve句里把h MATLAB函数括号中,什么时候加''?例如fprintf(‘the value is % f’,a)前面加了‘’,可是后面没加.还有像plot(‘y=x+1’,'z=m+2','x'.'m')里面都加了‘’,为什么呢? MATLAB总是提示括号有问题,什么情况?求指导? Error: File: D:\MATLAB\work\gprmax.m Line: 1 Column: 33Missing MATLAB operator.function [Header,Fields]=gprmax('filename');中的小括号总是有问题 根据首字母提示,完成短文I receive few birthday gifts because I seldom c____ my birthday.In fact,many gifts are g____ on that day.But I think that giving and r____ are too ritualistic today.I____ I don't know how to prepare a g___ gift,I won 根据短文内容和所写的首字母The mobile phone is a useful thing,but maybe I don't know h(1) to use it.Sometimes it makes things difficult for me.One day I wanted to see my friend nearby.I could a(2) at his house in five minutes,but I looked 矩阵的秩r=0,矩阵是否就是零矩阵? 秩为0的矩阵都是零矩阵吗? 设A为3*4矩阵,B为4*3矩阵,BAX=0必有非零解.则R(BA) 什么叫列满秩矩阵,为什么A是列满秩矩阵,则有方程AY=0只有零解? 一篇英语短文,根据首字母填单词,1.I know how to plant flowers.(F )plant the (s )…………Add (t )wait for the (s ).2.Z:(H ) do we save water.S:sorry.(W )should we do (t Z:Use less water.还少了一句(F do 根据短文内容及所给单词的首字母写出单词Mr Green is our English teacher.We all like his (l____) beacause they are very (i_____).He is (f_____) America.We are very surprised he likes making (t_____).He (s_____) helps us make model pla 一位数除三位数,商最多是( )位数,最少是( )位数 一个矩阵A,这个A在书本上的是黑体字,那么手写A的时候要不要在上面加个箭头呢? CAD中我用黑体字书写,但是黑体字是正方形的,我想把黑体字弄的长方形的,要怎么设置?保留黑体字的样式,使字的间距缩小,字高不变.就是一段话的长度一定,但是高度提高,弄不出来心烦死了 26个英文字母哪两个出现的频率最高? 统计一篇文章中每个英文字母出现的频率 pascal问题 输入一篇英文文章,以$符号结束,统计其中出现字母,数字的个数,求出现频率最高的字母 用PHP 计算出文章中各个字母出现的次数Ideas abound,but none seem to hold up to scientific scrutiny.One is that yawning helps to cool the brain by increasing blood flow to the jaws,neck,and sinuses,and then removing heat from this blood 键盘输入200字符以上英文文章,统计各字母出现次数并输出(每个字母、出现次数占一行),结束时以响铃(07H)加以提示,请画出框图并编写完整程序. Matlab函数怎样调用工作区变量在一个m文件里要调用一个函数(自定义的),但是我希望这个函数能利用并修改workspace中的变量(m文件中的),可是函数的变量全是局部的,无法修改工作区的变 求程序:matlab如何生成含几个变量的随机数组?假设有4个变量:A,B,C,D.A的取值范围是1~20,B的取值范围是5~9,C的取值范围是0.0.7,D的取值范围是200~400.请教如何生成500组随机的(A,B,C,D)组合. 室外给排水平面图符号什么意思DN500-39.1-1.6 ← DN500公称直径←水流方向 39.1-1. 第七题,解一元二次方程 它像什么(二十六个字母想像作文) 根据首字母,完成短文It's clear to see,nowadays,lots of birds are in danger.Birds are human's good farmers,they can plant trees from pests.If we don't realize how important it is,our e______will be very bad.That is the reaon w___birds must be 一个数的最小倍数是11,这个数是() 英语:根据首字母提示完成短文【最好可以翻译】While traveling in Russia,Ed ran short of money.So he wrote (1.t ) his brother asking for 5000."Send the money by telegram to the bank here,"he wrote.After a week Ed began (2.v ) the b