
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:04:44
若五分之三a减一减二分之十三减a=1,则a方+a+1分之2a方-4a方-3等于 Eat it in the factory at___.A.night B.morning C.evening D.noon Dad is tired.He wants to sit on the c___ and have a rest. 美国历史上的西进运动.其中“西进运动”用英语怎么说?谢谢! he want to find a chair_____(sit) 短语翻译:raise a lot of money “大学扩招”翻译为the admission expansion of colleges , 政府如何行使权力 国务院可以行使的职权?根据我国《宪法》规定,下列选项哪一个是国务院依法可以行使的职权?A.依照法律规定决定省、自治区、直辖市范围内部分地区进入紧急状态 B.决定对某省长的任免 Dissatisfied with his present condition,Peter wants to find another job___he could...Dissatisfied with his present condition,Peter wants to find another job___he could make use of what he has learned.A.which B.when C.that D.where 政府的行使权利是什么 政府如何正确行使权力 -----------创造出和谐美好的作文 和谐创造自主成长的作文,急 what a meet! In one day、I forget all the things in addition to your Because I am a fool .In one day. I forget all the things besides you..什么意思. 给日本人回邮件表示感谢及祝福.(对方在邮件里说了客套的话,我该怎么回复比较好)对方表示我今后要是去BJ可以去找他,他请我吃东西.虽然是客套话但是我该怎么回信表示感谢并送上“工 谁能帮我找一段祝福的话,最好用英文,100分加分. 当别人说,原谅我渐渐少去的问候时,我该如何回答? 甲骨文反映的是哪国,哪朝的情况? 甲骨文产生于距今三千六百多年前的什么朝 london/different/does/look/now大家帮我连1下句子!a\computer\there\in\our\classroom\is can\we\the\noe\ducks\feed school\different\my\new\looks\now wasn't\tere\a\before\pond\here can\the\we\feed\ducks\now 英语翻译是一个女生发表的,求大神翻译,能翻译出一些来也行的WHXXHSNLZWZMBWHJHH does /look/ london /different /now/?连词成句wasn't/pons/there/here/a/before/连词成句is/playground/big/there/a/before/连词成句a/was/slide/there/only/连词成句 yddbkx请问是什么拼音缩写,求大神解答 好难啊 XBDZBT可能是什么意思呢,好像是拼音的缩写,求大神解答如题 d l m s a 是一句英语的缩写 就是每一个单词的开头 有高人知道是什么句子吗?附上翻译 全部分都给你 谁能把《我与地坛》的文章全文告诉我? NO,there isn't的问句是什么? No she isn't my mother.问句是什么? 我与地坛全文