
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:46:58
follow怎么读 空着的填什么 的片尾曲是什么同上 这个空怎么填 怎么填这个空? 这个空.怎么填 请问这个空怎么填? 空怎么填? 谁可以帮我写一篇英文邮件,主题就是问他的那篇文章是什么时候写的.对方是外国人.我的英语实在有够烂.神马在线翻译也不靠谱.我只有两分了,不好给你了.我会很感谢你的 在写考研作文的时候 自己用英文写文章总是感觉很死板.请问,外国人都喜欢怎么写小短文?200字左右的 100字英语作文谁能帮我写5篇!有3篇已经命名了.第一篇是:我的学校第二篇是:我的周末第三篇是:我的家庭都要100字(100个单词)!还有2篇随便.最好有中文解释.我先说一下我的资料:我13岁 carry off的句子. The young couple have decided to buy the new house near the river,______ the cost.A.however\x05B.whatever\x05C.wherever\x05D.whichever怎么理解 Look,the traffic can carry you off to the place you like to go to这个句子正确吗如果错了,错在哪里啊?它是被动语态吗?地图又不能带你去啊 as tall as 两个同义句1 Linda is as tall as Grace = Linda is the same height as Grace ( 这里的 is 不能用has )请再写出一个同义句2 Linda is as old as Grace ( 写出两个同义句)要准确的哈 翻译我要往东走.用in the direction of .翻译我一想到要去重点大学就非常高兴用at the thought of tremble at the thought of 是 “一想到…就发抖” 的意思.有木有跟这个类似的句型啊谢谢 I tremble at the very thought of it.怎么理解,帮我分析一下这句话 At the thought of the disaster as high as与as tall as区别the dog was more than a half as _____ as an adult as high as 与as tall as区别The dog was more than a half as _____ as an adult. 英语翻译发错了,应该是:there is no toyal toad to learing As a consequence of this example in the family,the very mention of music as a career carried withit the idea of an uncertain existence. We ____ (keep) information in the computer on that day. It is not an idea ( )the community can unite ON the contrary,I see it as one that will diwided asAthat Bwhich Caround that Daround which为什么选D而不选其他选项 Reading English books can 什么 your English knock on和knock at用差别么?是否都可以在 敲门、敲窗 的短语中使用? A large number of people in the word eat fast 簪这个字五笔怎么打? 英文The moment 近意词有那些? Wild animals often can't find enough food and have enemies that kill and eat then._____,many of them have died out.A As a resultB In other wordsC In return D After all You mustn't_______the food to animals when you visit a zoo. A.giving B.give C.to give D.gave