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关于读书的诗句?3句左右 三年级神话故事大全 民间故事大全,100字左右. 民间故事大全,100字左右.急呀. BEC中级比大学英语六级难吗?为啥我们上届有人貌似六级没过,BEC中级通过率超高 初中语文0000000000000000在湖心亭看雪 中最后大篇幅在写作者与其他2人之间的事情,这是否与题目矛盾? 厦门BEC在厦大哪儿报名啊 有谁近期在厦门大学外语教学部报名过BEC?我打电话去老是没人接,不知道是否有上班,上班时间是几点到几点?还有报名需要带什么?报名流程大概是怎么样的? 求2011年下半年bec高级厦门大学考点口语搭档~ 如何在初中语文学科教学中有效地使用多媒体技术? 我有许多不懂的枝端末节,请求您们帮助 最好是有把握的再回答 当Have to 做句子的谓语动词时,反意疑问句用什么来提问?当had better 做谓语动词时,反意疑问句用什么来提问?当the Olympic Games 做 do you know___?a.what the most expensive car is in the world?b.which the most expensive car is in the world?excuse me,but can you tell me which road i should take to the post office?____of the four roads will do.a.any b.everyhe looks very hot and dry 哪个城市人口最多,北京,上海,还是广州?(英语) 1.___all the studengts in his class,john writes__.A.Of,most carefully B.In,most carefullyC.Of,more carefully D.In,more careful2.Who is the first one______?A.to reach B.to arrive C.to get to D.to arrive at3.What __________it is to play with snow!A.a g 一.写出下列单词所缺的字母1.c_ _s_n 2.ch_ck_n 3.g_ldf_sh 4.pr_tt_ 5.str_ng 6.g_ _m_n 7.j_p_n_se 8.w__dr_be 9.b_hj_nd第九个搞错了!是b_h_nd 高中英语必修3单词 高中英语必修三单词(分单元) 谁有高中英语必修3的单词?人教版的要全部.要全的. 辩论赛 公共三级英语3月份考的什么时候能查成绩在天天津自考的 公共三级英语 去哪 查成绩啊 给个网址 《爸爸去哪》反映了什么? 反映老子的观点并具有积极意义的论述是什么?反映老子的观点并具有积极意义的论述是( )A“邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻,民至老死不相往来”B“事在四方,要在中央,圣人执要,四方来效”C“有 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词,使短文意思完整.,Do you have a favorite outfit A perfect utfit can really improve your whole "look " .Be proud of your b ___ Dress suitably ,and you will look perfect ,too.Now learn how to 4道填空1.If we do nothing,there will be no more giant pandas.(改为同义句)If we do nothing,there _____ _____ _____ giant pandas _____ _____.2.If you don't work hard,you will not pass the exam._____ _____,_____ you will pass the exam.(改为 2011年暑期英语A级什么时候公布成绩6月份的A级,福建省的 My pen pal can speak French______English.适当介词 填空.我知道是besides,我想问的是:如果不填besides(或是说、不填介词)可不可以用instead(of)和rather than?那instead、instead of、rather than应该填哪个呢? 2008年辽宁省英语A级成绩什么时候公布啊 【急】初二英语适当形式填空,You look much ____ (pretty) in this red coat today.My mother works in a ____ (child) hospitalThe river is 200 meters in ____(长度) ★4个很简单的初二英语时态填空★He often loses something,so we say he is _____ (forget).Mum thought is was ______ (use) to wait.The woman ______ (quick) changed her clothes and went out.You can ____ (useful) this dictionary when you do how t____ is it ? it's twenty meters tall 小学六年级寒假日记10则急! 小学六年级寒假日记28篇