
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:25:46
英语翻译北京市朝阳区北苑路172号18号楼703室 英语翻译开头结尾那些寒暄我自己会解决,今天我要和大家分享我最喜欢的电影《哈利波特》系列,《哈利波特与死亡圣器》(上)将会在今年11月份上映.影片讲述了哈利在十七岁生日后,在凤 英语on到底念 ang 还是ong 住址翻译英文 The more efforts you do,the better life you will have.有没错? The more choies you have ,the better you final decisions will be.的同义句 _______you have more choices ,your finai decisions ____ ______ _______. I have a lot of problems____ physics A.for B.from C.with D.on 【英语问题】i'm very busy because i have a lot of problems [solve]at home we have a lot of problems with pay.怎么翻译? 谁能帮我写一篇英语的duty谈谈理想或生活中的一些道理,或者概述一个故事再谈其中的道理也可,100字以下, 跪求一个英语duty 下周就该我了 It surprised me to see so many people there. There is nearly nothing in the wild house.改错 I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.Many people think there is nothing__ice and snowA.besides B.rather thanC.apart fromD.regardless of选C为什么? WE wALK to school的汉语意思 journal of hazardous materials怎样回答投稿问题我是第一次投journal of hazardous materials,在投的过程中要求回答一些问题,很奇怪,我没有被拒绝过,也没有什么号,不知道该怎么回答,感激不尽1、Please advis 重力对物体做正功是怎么回事?方向是与重力方向一致吗 There is someone waiting for you中的waiting做什么成分 古诗赏析 韦应物的《秋夜寄邱员外》 辨析1.my pleasure 和 2.thanks-Say,Jane,will you come with me to the game Friday?- ( ),bob,but i promised Mary i’d go with her.1. 2. It looks heavy.Can I give you a hand?_____ A No,thanks B Yes,my pleasure C No,never mind D Yes,I d just\quite the reverse怎么用在句子中做什么成分,给个例句 The deep love must reverse hand汉语什么意思 太阳能的管要不是真空的能烧开水吗 miss the miss of miss the 其中每个miss的意思都不一样 试分析《歌剧魅影》中的某个人物如题 Miss The one thing we can never get enough of is love.the one thing we can never give enough of is love那位美女帅哥帮我解释哈嘛 求一首英文歌曲·前奏是一个男人说话前奏是一个男人温柔又伤心的说着什么··好像是他女友死了·还是他死了·我听别人说过·我忘记了· 有一首抒情类型的英文歌曲,歌词里有这句 I can feel your heartbeats ,given you away 天下谁最丑 世界上最丑是谁``