
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 11:04:20
I can't hear you well.I beg your p____.(填单词)We each_____(have)a good time during summer holiday.Let Amy _____(teach)us English.Sandy_______(not be)often late for school.They have much homework____(do)now.Morning exercises_____(be)good for us. 已知等比数列﹛an﹜中,a2,a3,a4分别是某等差数列的第5项第3项和第2项且a1=1公比q≠1,则an=?RT To tell you the truth,I have nothing to do____ it.A about B with C for D of,感激不尽. What ___ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with you.需详解 A waste B wastesC a waste of D waste for I miss youˋbut has nothing to do with you翻译中文 What ___ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with youA waste B wastesC a waste of D waste for 不白之冤 日新月异 依然如故 崇山峻岭 人尽其才 人老珠黄 口若悬河 量入为出 五湖四海 流芳百世 摇摇欲坠 穷追猛打 千方百计 由表及里 目不转睛 自力更生 七上八下 一鼓作气 层出不穷 高 这20个成语里暗藏着一首五言绝句,请找出来成语:不白之冤 日新月异 依然如故 崇山峻岭 人尽其才人老珠黄 口若悬河 量入为出 五湖四海 流芳百世 摇摇欲坠 穷追猛打 千方百计 由表及里 目 __will you finish your job?it's almost finished,but i still need__daysAHow long another two b What time other twoc when more two d how soon two more选什么为什么 求文言文翻译的APP? I will need to know your brests or bust size,翻译中文 if i ask politely will you show me your boobs?men need not apply. I hope your stomach will get good,so I need not worry啥意思? 英语翻译“虎求百兽而食之,得狐.狐曰:‘子无敢食我也.天帝使我长百兽,今子食我,是逆天帝命也.子以我为不信,吾为子先行,子随我后,观百兽之见我而敢不走乎!’虎以为然,故遂与之行,兽见 ANYWAY.IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME,PERSONALLY这句话什么意思?ANYWAY.IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME,PERSONALLY, Deserve has nothing to do with it. it's nothing to do with me .其中的it's,是it is还是it has?这俩有区别么? 求翻译Blindness has nothing to do with that. 我是一名英语翻译,可以用秀才APP吗? 英语翻译So a recent MV showing a khaki-clad AKB48,Japan’s doe-eyed pop sensation,clambering in and out of troop carriers,singing things like “Show us your guts”,must have seemed a recruiting sergeant’s dream.上面的句子就在第一段 baby i konw listen to your hear是那一首 His father likes to _____ your health.A:hear B:listen C:listen to D:hear of应该怎么填啊 sound,hear,listen to,listen的区别 请问什么情况下to 后接动词原型,什么情况下接动名词? 补充歇后语,后半句是成语啊氧气球上天——( ) 过河拆桥——( )老鼠爬进书箱里——( ) 屋漏又遭连夜雨——( )鸡给黄鼠狼拜年——( ) 狗改不了吃屎——( )飞蛾扑火——( 下列歇后语的后半句都是一句成语,请你补充出来1.白日做梦---()2.病好了打大夫---()3.搬起石头砸自己的脚----()4.天大树---()5.哎了棒的狗---() 成语中有许多双句成语,请根据上句或下句补充完整下列成语.___________,只欠东风.__________,始于足下.___________,败事有余.__________,各显神通.不入虎穴,__________.江山易改,__________.百花齐放,__________. 如何发展幼儿的口语表达能力 如何培养幼儿口语表达能力 幼儿口语表达能力发展有哪些趋势 to后面是跟动名词还是动词原型? 如何发展幼儿良好的语言表达能力