
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:46:53
In fact few of them will eat a man if left alone.译成中文 Those two men look dangerous.In fact,of them are holding guns.both,为什么不能填 neither?我是这样想的:这两人看起来很危险,事实上,他俩都没枪。这样想有什么不对? 52.I'm really sorry l am late I just_______(miss) the early bus this morning he got up late this morning,and he_____(miss)the early bus.说明理由 one night a man came to my house... L invited Jim and Bob to my house for dinner .But ____ of them came.A.both B.neither C.all D.none The Greeen family would like to_______for about three weeks.A leave home B go out C come to China D be away I asked jim and bob to come to my house for dinner ,but ( )of them came.a.another b.otherc.the others d.others The 2016 Summer Olympics will last ( ) A.two weeks B.over two weeksweeks 和over two weeks有何区别? a man came out of the jungle and spoke to them.是什么意思? [英文]Most people are unwilling to live with their parents when they grow up.[意思]大多数人长大成人以后,不愿跟父母一起生活书上的答案是(把people换成了children)Most children are unwilling to live with their parents when 请问哪位高人可以帮我解释下back orderback order 有人说是延期交货的订单,那么是指延期交货的整个订单,还是指整个订单中除去已经分批发货,剩下的迟交的部分货的这个尾单 请翻译此段,并解释order在句中的意思M:Excuse me,how can I send 10000 yuan to Shanghai?C:Here's a postal order. Please fill it out. Everything is in order.中 "in Order black cartridge 在打印机上出现是. pecking order请解释pecking order ,flock early this morning是凌晨的意思吗? 求英语高手,帮我改下考研英语小作文,受累!如果有语法错误,麻烦您帮我指出来,(这是12年英语2的小作文)Directions:Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you brought from an onli 姐姐,我又来了,能在帮我改篇考研英语小作文吗?(有语法错误,麻烦您给我指出来,谢谢)这是13年英语1的小作文,受累!Direction:Write an e-mail of about 100 words to a foreign teacher in your college,inviting him/h 考研英语小作文很乱有分么?小作文写了大作文写了几行就把大作文删了,重新把小作文写在了删的上面,就很乱,能有分么? Do you think middle school students should take part in many competitions?写一篇英文短文,8句 to,take,classroom,let‘s,books,our,these连词成句 You can take the books to the classroom 改否定祈使句 海西建设的作文怎么写啊 (take) youe books to the room 用所给词适当形式填空 关于计算技术的发展英语短文计算技术的发展,英语的, I Think I Had To Rely On You For The Rest Of My 读新概念英语2真的对自学英语口语有帮助吗?有朋友向我推荐新概念英语2,他说看了这本书书就差不多了.真的是这样吗?这本书里有好多测试,可没有参考答案,是我找不到还是根本没有我都 为什么I think that it is true是附属简单分句,而What you have said is true是复杂分句? 浙闽地区销售代表、餐饮配料部如何翻译成英文? 急求英语达人帮忙修改作文~请英语达人帮忙修改下作文,Dear jhon,I have been your family teacher for nearly a month.in this period of time we get along with,i have known you better.Now i'm writting to you to talk with you heart to 急求英语达人帮忙改下文章文章关于肖申克的救赎.老师说好多语法毛病和文章排序能尽量调整下.文章会发到邮箱中 马上due了 求达人就没一个人帮个忙吗?都是留个邮箱 回话啊