
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 18:45:14
有关长江的简介(大约150字) 长江简介(不超过80字)5645 having almost run out of money,we were reduced----- in a cheap hotel.A to staying B to stay C staying D for staying为什么 A pound week...why,she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money.1986年考研英语完形填空中的一句话,选的是那个“why”,谁能给我解释一下为什么用的是why呢? Are you feeling ____Kate?----Yes,Thank you.A quite good B any well C quite better D any better -Are you feeling a little ---------(well) now?-Yes,thank you.横线上填什么,拜托讲清相关知识点,谢 calls Helen after school.(Su Hai 提问) Su Hai calls Helen after school.(对话线部分提问)划线的是su hai 关于长江的资料 "the house has many rooms"为什么house可以用has?have主语不是要人吗 Su Hai calls Helen after school.(画线部分提问Su Hai ) how many rooms are in the White House who(look after )your grandparents? my parents. they live in beijing.为什么填look after ? Are they your photos?yes they are___.___are you in this picture?I`m in Hawaii in this picture. 英语翻译其中and代表什么意思呢?and一定要翻译出来的! Class Two pupils are going to the sports meet.(否定句) Class Two pupils are going to the sports meeting.(否定句) What are the pupils going to do?-------( 他们在上课.)The old man ----- been to many cities.A.has B.have C.is having Mr Smith had a lot of money.改为同义句Mr Smith ____ ____ .(两个空) The pupils are ______.A.having a class B.having class.首先感谢你们的关注,给予我帮助,但是我仍然有疑问,希望能得到解答.(1)小学英语课本里有个短语是have English Class(2)但是也有个短语是have a class 既然是独体字 为什么部首 是 一撇啊 阅读理解young mr.smith had an idea for his employer to save money 最好有解析 撇 加偏旁组字组词 文章借这微笑的雪人赞美了哪些美好的情感? 本人急求网络没有真情的观点,后天辩论赛急用! 网络中是否有真情? 网络上是否有真情 网络是否有真情 的辩论稿 关于 网络是否有真情 的辩论稿 社会主义核心价值体系属于文化的范畴么今年2013年的申论大作文我写的标题是让社会主义核心价值体系大方异彩,是不是跑题啊? 《小溪流的歌》与《犟龟》在主题上有何异同 John is troubles began he became a club member.A.while B.as soon as C.before D.if选哪个?要为什么 你还想对母校说些什么