
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:28:19
一道化学题,急需,在线等,急需过程运用中和热的测定方法,在保温、隔热的条件下,向盛有20 mL 2.08mol/L的NaOH溶液的试管中分五次加入1~5mL未知浓度的H2SO4(边加边振荡,且每次加入1mL)后,测得 问一道税法题,最好今天出结果,某企业2008年度销售收入2000万元,广告费支出320万元,业务宣传费8万元;2009年度销售收入6000万元,发生广告费400万元,业务宣传费60万元,2009年该企业广告费及业务 Mo Yan is one of_______writers in the world.A.successful B.more successful C.the most successful should i be in a relationship?this is not a translation work,it's a real question!plzi only had one relationship with a wrong guy3 yrs ago ,and that relationship just lasted one month.btw,i am 24.be frank,there are some guys wanted to be my bf during many compuer scientists ______ making the compuer"think" like people.A to think B think of c. thinks of d thinking many compuer scientists ______ making the compuer "thinj" like people.写错了应该是“think”A to think B think of c.thinks of D thinking 糖尿病肾病,尿蛋白如何治疗 I am too heavy now.翻译 1到6题, With the d___ of society,we come to realize the importance of the balance of nature.英语题 2012年会不会是世界毁灭日? 现在越来越多的预言家都说2012年世界会毁灭,还有,现在地震越来越多了,到底2012年世界会毁灭不? 尿蛋白用什么药,肌酐高了能治好吗?怎么治? upset the balance of nature是什么意思啊? 尿蛋白高肌酐高怎么降我尿蛋白+2肌酐440尿素15尿酸516血压以前高185 /125 现在出院后130/80请问平时饮食除了注意低盐低脂低蛋白饮食还注意什么我现在吃拜新同贝他乐克开同肾炎康复片金水宝 了解自然公园的知识是有趣的.It is interesting —— —— —— the nature parks.It is interesting —— —— —— the nature parks. There is a nature parks in the city.哪里有错呢,你真是英语达人啊,我的救命恩人, 糖尿病肾病尿蛋白怎么治疗好 精卫填海文言文中其是什么意思 The goverment __nature reserves to protect the panda.答案是set up,为什么不用sets up _is known to us all is that the Chinese goverment has spared no efforts to protect people from fake food.A,that.B,it.C,that.D,what.仔细分析 为什么china goverment这么fubai?难道上面不管吗.我们这里一个破村长就开了辆三十多万的公车.死个老爹他们家的门槛都快被送礼的给踩破了.门口的车都拍了最少有一里.他马的.贪死他. i can't _________(simple )believe Chinese goverment made such quick and correct actions after theterrible earthquake.根据给出提示填空 The Chinese goverment,____(involve的哪种时态形式?)in specific efforts to prevent and control AIDS,has creased Hive testing and ... 英语翻译英语很不好.马上要 帮忙翻译下the modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously is no superjunior的英文介绍我想要关于superjunior的介绍,大概意思就是从出道到现在的历程最晚12月2日要, 求作文一篇,我对待语文期中考试,要求写到三点:语文期中考试前的准备,考试中的突破,考试后的改进.五百到六百字足矣!星期一就要交, She wears a white uniform.(该为否定句) she wears in (a white uniform) 对划线部分提问 She enjoys___the white uniform.空格上要填wears 还是 wearing 说一下理由. do did does done doing这几个都是单词吗