
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:06:39
描写紧张的一段话,今天就要! 校园的早晨作文怎么写不要复制一篇文章来,我想知道这篇作文怎样构思,怎样写 [-B55] The great well is _____ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.A.such a well-known B.a so well-known C.such well-known a D.such a well-known 翻译并分析 Niagara Falls is a great tourist ______ drawing millions of visitors every year.选项:a、attention b、 attraction c、 appointment d、 arrangement选哪个?为什么?请翻译? it has been the first time that i () sanya ,which is a great tourist attraction.A,should have visited B,visited C,had visited D.have visited The tourist business has become a very big 1 .Millions of people now 2 their holidays inThe tourist business has become a very big 1 .Millions of people now 2 their holidays in other countries.The travel companies(公司)say that holid 英语直译Ever since then,the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of peopleEver since then,the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their ho 有在国外的朋友的吗?关于英文名我的英文名叫JOYCE,前几天碰到2个老外都和我说,我的名字是国外老太婆叫的,就是70岁的人叫的名字,气死我了不知道是不是真的,他们说听到这个名字就联想到 有没有在国外呆过的朋友呢,sharon这个英文名怎么样?给人一种什么样的感觉?在国外普通吗?因为这读起来和我中文名有点像. 请外国朋友或是精通英文的朋友帮我根据中文起一个英文名,希望字音能差不多,名字叫 静然 请问英语发音不准是不是非常的不利于和老外交流呀 我一和老外说英语发音就不清楚,怎么办?平时都挺好,就算和中国人说也挺好就是一和外国人说的时候就会开始发音不清楚,有什么办法不? 外国人怎么念SQL 要标准的美式英语念法 单词拼写:The besuty of the West Lake at_ millions of tourists every year.The besuty of the West Lake at_ millions of tourists every year.Is your company going to the fashion fa_ in Shanghai?There will be press co_ and lectures on fashion trend. 同义句转换Millions of people visit Shenzhen every year could you please come here ( )( ) (could you please come here ( )( ) ( )tomorrow. Can you come here ,please? If you can read ,please come here . 首字母填空题 Please c____ the note on the next page if you can come. 请以“母爱”开头写一句话,表达对母亲的赞美,至少使用一种修辞手法.母爱 . 描写母爱的开头谁有描写母爱的优美开头啊 it was the first view of america for millions of people 求翻译 翻译:2)Today,he is remembered by millions of people in China,Canada and other parts of the world. 英语翻译数百万.这种从句要从哪部分开始翻译?刚刚接触这样的句子.我是自己按顺序翻译的,数百上千的人每天使用电脑! shakespeare's piays are read and seen by millons of people every year什么意 英语翻译symbol of the countryit was the first view of america for millions of people ,and the statue of liberty has become symbol of the country 帮朋友起个英文名字,要有意义,好听好写,她的名字叫芊雅 帮我和我朋友起个英文名吧,我的名字里有蓉,她的名字里有婷,我们俩的名字都是ABB的形式啊。 一般过去时和过去进行时有什么区别请通俗一点 he said she said歌词翻译歌手:Ashley Tisdale 歌名:He Said, She Said, 歌词: Yeah, ohhh Oh Baby Crazy Yea, Crazy She said she’d love me forever He said that we were together She told me I was the only one She told me I’m not the only (she said 她曾经住在这里)把中文翻译成英语 he said she said歌词