
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:34:45
What LiHua won first prize in the English compectition really excited him and his family 这里为什么要用What 而不是用When! 与负8又七分之二和为正数的整数中最小的一个是9 For these college students,at the Fifth China International Air Show,the most important is___willingness to devote themselves to making the show ____ success.A.a ,/ B.a ,a C.the ,a D.the ,/第一个a不明白to devote themselves to .不是限定和 已知:P是椭圆25分之X方 + 16分之Y方 =1 上的一点,F1,F2是椭圆的两个焦点,且角F1PF2=30度,求F1PF2面积希望有多种方法。求三角形F1PF2的面积 甲、乙两拖拉机耕好地速度的比是1:2,两台合耕8小时,正好更完全部的80%,余下的由甲耕,还需要几小时耕完? Whatever your goal is-to persuade others to vote for the person of you choice or describe the( )you want you haircut···A .ideaB.wayc.meansd.plan 求解一道高中英语题(不难)··( ) as the best student in her college ,as most classmates had expected,made her parents very happy.A.Mary is being chosenB.Mary being chosen c,Mary chosen 一道高中英语题.求解~谢谢20. ______ the room, a letter was laid on the ground.A. Entering B. Having enteredC. He entered D. Mrs Green entering为什么选D不选A啊.?求解 ~谢谢. As is recorded in history,paper was first invented by Cai Lun in_______is today Henan Province.A.where B.the place C.which D.what(请做必要说明,请不要答非所问, √32-3√2分之1+√2 是多少 √32-3√2分之1+√2 高一(下)英语绿色通道答案我只要69页到70页的所有答案都是选择题很好发的 谁有2006高一下《绿色通道》英语答案?用的是致公出版社的 绿色通道下册14单元的选择题就好了谁有啊,帮帮忙啊有人回答悬赏 高一上英语(Unit3AB卷)绿色通道答案帮帮忙啊 我把仅有的25分都给了 高一下英语绿色通道答案.只要95-116页的...拜托帮我找拉 .要网站上的..或者哪位仁兄有发一下拉.都是选择题..好发 十分之八化成最简分数= 二十四分之十八化成最简分数= 十五分之六化成最简分数= 十二分之十八化成最简分数= 15除以24化成带分数是多少大神们帮帮忙 带“马”的成语 表示随便走走 根据意思写成语,带马的 ,随便走走 What is a checkout?A checkout is a counter in a supermarket where you pay for your ( )A.purposes B.good C.products D.purchases 随便走走‘,用带马的成语表示 高中生易错的词语有哪些? 78.5➗3的得数化成分数是多少? 动词填空Jim is a schoolboy.He is twelve years old.He is in Class2,Grade1.He always 66._________ (get) up early and he often67._________ (go) to school by bike.But yesterday he 68._______ (walk) toschool,so he 69.______ (be) late.Jim enjoys 70.___ 求大神今晚前做完! 求大神帮忙.今晚作业哪~ 这题变上限定积分怎么做? 2题求定积分马上好评,定积分,微积分 定积分给好评 剑桥少儿英语预备级何用? 剑桥少儿英语预备级怎么样?不知道剑桥少儿英语预备级怎么样 某市出租车计费方法如图所示,(km)表示行驶里程,(元)表示车费,请根据图象回答下列问题:(1)出租车的起步价是多少元?当x>3时,求关于的函数解析式;(2)若某乘客有一次乘出租车