
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:41:25
she has been to america twicetwice提问,为什么不用how ofen?twice不是次数吗?为什么用How many times His father has been to America twice 对twice提问 My uncle has been to America (twice).---------对括号部分提问( )( )( )( )your uncle been to America his father has been to America twice改成对twice 提问的形式 She says she ______Newquay twice.A.has been in B.has been to C.has gone to D.has come inThe foreigners set _____ Hawaii at seven tomorrow morning.A.off B.out C.out to D.off forMy father often tells me _____ I work,the better I get.A.more hardly B.har 英语翻译 英语翻译李密,字令伯.后卒于家. 晋书 王戎传 翻译 英语翻译只是翻译几则轶事,不必全篇翻译的~时太尉郗鉴使门生求女婿于导,导令就东厢遍子弟.门书归,谓鉴曰:"王氏诸少并佳,然闻信至,咸自矜持.惟一人在东床担腹食,独若不闻."鉴曰:"正此佳 2.Judy _____ the Great Wall twice,and now she still _____ to go there A.went to; wantedB.goes t we ____(be)to the Great Wall twice.用所给动词适当形式填空 把时态以及构成说明白 I have been to the Great Wall twice(对twice进行提问)_____ _____ ____have ______ been to the Great Wall She ___(be)the great wall severd times.(要原因) ( ) 26.She had her photos _______ on the Great Wall yesterday.A.to take B.to be taken C.taking快 英语翻译元德秀者,的那段文言文翻译! 你喜欢哪种电影用英语怎么说 旧唐书 列传第十二 翻译 英语翻译及京师,有司请推其罪,诏下狱.翻译成现代汉语. 英语翻译张允济,青州北海人也.隋大业中为武阳令,务以德教训下,百姓怀之.元武县与其邻接,有人以牸牛依其妻家者八九年,牛孳产至十余头;及将异居,妻家不与,县司累政不能决.其人诣武阳质 英语翻译 她经常自愿给我一些帮助 翻译成英文she often ( )( )( )to me. 用英语翻译___”你可以叫我啊华” 英语作文My days in winter holiday 这篇作文要怎么写啊?记住要6到七天的作文!300个单词左右吧! 英语翻译最近在找英语翻译公司不知道华研翻译怎么样 英语作文《A happy day of my winter holiday 求英文翻译:腹有诗书气自华 过华清宫 英语翻译 She goes to the prison twice a month to visit her husband 请问这句话 是什么时态? She goes to the prison twice a month to visit her husband 句意是:他一个月去监狱看他丈夫两次 对吗?请问goes to the prison和 twice a month中间不需要加点什么吗 这样翻译过来感觉是 她去监狱2次一个月看望 The shopkeeper goes to the town twice a month.对 twice a month 提问 Kally goes to the shopping centre twice a month .twice a month 划线提问( ) ( ) ( ) Kally ( ) to the shopping centre? she usually goes to the movies (once a month)对划线部分提问