
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:16:55
三代英豪杨家奖.猜一生肖 贯穿全境的意思是什么? 贯穿了全场是什么意思? 短文填词,快,八上英语 麻烦哪位大哥帮我查下2010年6月英语四级成绩 考号340241011100809 我查总是考号格式不对.怎么检查啊,考号是正确的呢 完成英语填空,A:Have you heard the book called ‘winds of war’?B:No,i haven’t.But i have _____ _____ it.What about you?A:i have read it for several _____ .it's_____ interesting book.i think.B:Where can i _____ ______?A:from the library.th 阳曲一号隧道塌方了什么原因呢 研究“C语言图形函数的研究与处理”课题的意义,该怎么写 50分求助、十几道简单的英语填空!请速速进来帮忙! 施工组织设计中主要物资计划怎样写 the where is hospital(?)连词成句. 宏观调控理论的基本要求是什么?主要从经济法方面回答哦~ GRE背完背什么四级六级托福雅思专四专八以及SAT(巴郎3500)都背完了,请问GRE背完后下面背什么好?我15岁,将出国,注:我只想增加词汇量,目的不在于考试. 如何在一周内背完GRE词汇我下周就要去北京学GRE ,但现在的单词还是没有进展,第一遍才过了一半,但总是前背后忘,时间限制,现在的标准是,要混个眼熟,想把单词再过一遍,一周该怎么安排, 背GRE的问题现在在背俞敏洪的红宝书,背了几个单元,前面的差不多又忘了~很无奈啊,这一年之内背得完吗?大家都是多长时间背完的? 关于quotaThe attorney turned down the law firm’s offer of a position because she suspected that it was meant merely to fill an affirmative action quota and did not reflect a commitment to minority hiring and eventual promotion.这句话里an affi 心上有一个猿猴,打一个有“心”的成语.成语字典 My father was a salior 20 years ago.怎么翻译. boice怎么发音 My father () a policeman ten years ago.A.was B.were C.is Did you () the full moon last night?A.saw B.sees C.see DELIVERY FAILURE:Error delivering to kongjian/lm/cctv; Router:Database disk quota exceeded Error delivering to market-star/lm/cctv; Router:Database disk quota exceeded急等 翻译这说明 我所发送的 信息没有传送出去,我的信 对方没有收到是吗? 请帮我翻译成中文because:Error delivering to kongjian/lm/cctv; Router:Database disk quota exceeded 徐渭徐文长的四出元杂剧,为什么合成《四声猿》?与猿猴有关? some of the special ones stood out from the crowd 关于draw a lot of protest from around the world的几个问题1为什么要有from,不是有了around?这两个词在句中分别做什么成分?2为什么不是around world? 一到英语填空You can find the kind-hearted person e______ here.Because people here are all friendly. 一到英语填空,he was born ( )1997.A.in B.on C.at D.of 一到英语填空题目these (s )of problems are quite common,you needn't be so nervous.这一空怎么填 _____ important piece of advice it is! They have given us an important piece of advice改成感叹句! 谁有那种比较唯美的英文诗词呀?我做相册要用的,最好有中文翻译!