
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:44:50
when和 while前后加DO或DOING的形式 关于while/when和see sb doing的问题1.Tom was sleeping_____ Mary was dancing to the music.A.since B.when C.as D.while这一题为什么用while不用when2.When I was walking along the road,I saw a bird_____ over my head.A.flies B.flew C.to fly D. three children 和three childs 的区别 three childs 难道不可以表示3个小孩吗? ever since then与哪个同义 ever since,from then on,in the past,from now on 选哪个?A) from now on B)ever since C) since then D) from then on讲讲为什么He founded the company five years ago and has been managing the business________.A) from now on\x05B)ever since\x05C) since then\x05D) from then on 如果你是许海峰,你当时可能会想到些什么?写一写.《语文知识与能力训练》人教版六年级上册单元自测五第六大题. Life was very different many years ago.(改为一般疑问句)@%¥&(!%……不快不给分! 如果你是许海峰,你当时可能回想到什么?写一写 英语翻译as if the very sediment of things contained yet some residue of sentience.这句话呢?very应该怎么翻译, 英语翻译如题 要那种比较正常 能看懂的 we can't live without water _air为什么是or,不是and,双重否定不是表肯定吗 we can't live without water 英语翻译用best行吗? 对,有用的,求英语翻译 Aww.T should tea ch you then 求翻译为中文 谢谢 i do belive是什么意思 这个英语句子语法错在哪Finally,we should train more talented people to build up more firewalls so as to make the net immune to all kinds of viruses and unalienable to all kinds of cyber criminals. I DO BELIVE I CAN DO ANYTHING什么意思?RT: I belive i can do it否定句 her的er的音标,teacher的er的音标.for的or的音标、doctor的or的音标、breakfast的a的音标、last的a的音标、full的u的音标、ruler的u的音标、case的s的音标、books的s的音标、nice的ce的音标、those的s的音标 teacher 的正确发音是什么?不要告诉我音标,用汉语或拼音最好 用英语说35各职业!不可重复如:teacher不可Chinese teacher和英语的16个时态 许海峰是谁?是的 teacher Thursday paper哪个音标跟其他两个不同? 加拿大的英文名如果在加国取这样一个英文名euterpe会过于冷僻吗?它的读音不会别扭吗注 是aglaia好还是euterpe更好啊 英文名原先是Catherine…想改了嗯嗯~比较喜欢新鲜感……Catherine用了有三年之久了……是用的最久的一个英文名呢~然后…最近想“洗心革面”~想换个名字~新的开始~现在比较中意的是Elaine~觉 求与 Catherine 配对的男英文名!求与 Catherine 配对的男生英文名! I shall have to go .翻译下 you should not have to go 翻译 She is very busy every day.She can't help complaining of the rapid __________ of modern life.rate growth speed pace选那个呢? Shall we go to have a swim?等于什么 英语翻译Tom Waits的If I have to go一听就喜欢上了歌词也查到,但是英语水平实在是不怎么样所以想找英语达人帮忙翻译一下如果直接用google在线翻译之类的就不用了…我想要的是理得顺的翻译,To