
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:23:32
有没有写合作的古话?或名言 乒乓球的擦边球中的定义中的上檐是什么意思 如图所示是球与桌面的关系,当角度大于45时是上檐,当角度小于45度时是下檐,当角度等于45度时是什么檐,所谓的台面之上就不算是擦边了,因为当 国民革命运动推翻了北洋军阀的统治,是中国近代历史上前所未有的人民大革命.这句话为什么不对 国共两党合作 什么要推翻北洋军阀 革命党人为推翻北洋军阀而进行的斗争a.辛亥革命b二次革命.c护国运动.d.护法运动e直奉战争请给出原因 make的a,have的a,stand的a,hand的a各发什么音 This is where/in which the spaceship landed .这句话中为什么填in which 不对? this is ___the shenzhou ν spaceship landed.A.this is ___the shenzhou ν spaceship landed.A.there B.in which C.where D.when 选C.为什么不选B,详细理由是什么? 5.This is ___the Shenzhou V Spaceship landed.A.there B.in which C.where D.when麻烦请教B与C的区别 She looked up___ surprise when Ishouted(在__处填写介词)Was there any response__ the new book?(在__处填写介词)根据汉语提示,完成句子Backham is a ________(众所周知)football player in china谢谢了 In those days,he used to give ____ a part of his income to help his friend.Both sides argued with reason,and neither would give ____.If they are burned,they give ____ poisonous gases.When they made ready to climb the next mountain,they found that the look!My father's car_____the house.Father is cleaning the car.We often have a party _____Christmans_____Christmans EVe,we sing and dance together. 填写介词,准确点!we have lived in Beijing __________twenty years.the cat is ill,please send_________a doctor.david is busy _____________his homework.i can't tell li _____________his twin brother.请认真填写,这份东西是要上交的!谢 填写适当的介词1.( )the help of Jack,l work out this problem.2.Do ont go to sleep ( ) the bedromm light ( ). 九马画山的九马怎么看出来的呢?最好能有图示 瑕可以组什么词 峨冠博带 累万盈千两个词个是什么意思 带会是什么意思 电信手机用什么手机管家好 有哪位大虾帮在下解释“峨冠博带”是何意? 用峨冠博带造句 我用最漂亮的花字体把诗认认真真的重新誊写了一遍.(缩句)拜托了!快点!急! The comment given by the teacher还是the comment was given by teacher为什么 The teacher praised me for my composition.I’m feeling__ .A.well B.good C.healthy D.happily请问为什么? Alice went to the gym to practice dancing yesterday.对yesterday提问 猜四字成语,谢咯 英语bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in 原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis on affiliation and attachm 四字成语,谢咯 bear something with equanimity Bear with us you've given me the wrong case.这是现在完成时吗?如果是现在完成时那 given 又是过去分词,应该如何理解? you've given me the wrong case这句话还能怎么说