
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:52:59
i went to XinJiang翻译 改写成How感叹句:They made terrible mistakes.How _____改写成How感叹句:They made terrible mistakes.How ____________________! 英语翻译I_went_to_find_out翻译 good 是什么意思 That would _____ very B.isThat would _____ very That would be very helpful.that would be very helpful.这个would在这起什么作用?The bus station will be on your left.这句的will也看不出来有什么作用啊 为什么要用呢?不用有什么区别吗? Love you and hate you in a study between是什么意思? Analysis of love and hate of heathcliff in Wuthering heights我想知道在 呼啸山庄 这部作品中是什么原因形成了希刺克厉夫那样扭曲的爱与恨. -i'v been working on this problem since last night.---it must be a difficult one _____A to solve B to be sovled C solving D for solving为什么选A 能否具体说明? Can you find a way of working out this Maths problem?Can you find a way ___ ___ out this … 模范列句完成以下句子:例句Tske...He is taking his book.Make...She is ( )the bed. Swim...They are( )across the river.Shine..The sun is ( ).Shave...My father is ( ).Run...They are ( )across the park.Sit...She is ( 请问the struggle will cause our future to be more splendid,will be more vit We are all working hard __this math problem? C.with D.under原因 This math problem ________.A.can be easily work B.can be easily worked C.can is easily worked D.may easily worked can you deai with this problem (同义句) can you think of some ___ ___ this problem 这道数学题比那一道难得多.This math problem is____ ____ ____ ____than that one.〈每空一词,共4空.〉 he can take his Pat is sing a song for Children哪里错了 Love And Hate 歌词 like,and,Liz,don’t,Lily,strawberries 连词成句.哥哥姐姐教教我吧. 请英语高手帮我分析下这句的语法 There were hundreds of ropes going down to the stage below it ...这是书虫里的一个句子,应该不会有错,可是我怎么看都觉得不能理解,怎么会有两个谓语动词呢?were和 was?The连词成句 it's getting dark,too dark to see中文翻译 英译汉:她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉.She...英译汉:她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉.She is not particularly tall,but she is thin,which gives an illusion o 首字母填空 My best friend often f______to Beijing on business. 、〈 〉in English study,she often asks me some questions.A,Interesting B,Interest C,Interested D,Being interested 形容词和being+adj都可表原因嘛怎么不选D,表长期进行的状态撒,怎么不行?不是的 是省了because she is。int FOrever英译汉 有人对我说Always together Forever apart我该说什么.这句话到底什么意思. 网上看了 有2种说法. 差的太远了吧. PS: 我是男的. PS: 3楼. 到底是啥? 和前两个差太远了吧 能不能给个确切的说法啊. 英语翻译这是齐豫的《飞鸟和鱼》里的一句歌词:……什么天地啊!什么海天一色地狱天堂暮鼓晨钟always together forever apart……每个单词我都知道意思,但正句话应该怎样翻译呢~ Always together ,forever apart怎么读这句话的意思我知道,可是我去不知道它怎么读,请个位帮帮忙 To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world Have you ever thought how people turn grapes into raisins 英译汉