
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:57:00
关于短语be lacking in1.be lacking in 中的lack什么词性?2.这是表示进行时吗? be lacking in,lack词性? 想买一个拖把, 思高拖把怎么样 take me off是什么意思 take me now 是什么意思 科技让生活更美好(一)演讲须围绕主题,具体题目自拟;  (二)内容要论点鲜明,具有科学性、思想性、知识性;  (三)演讲时间容量限定在8分钟以内; 用英文写的春节的计划 5句以上 用3句以上的复合句 急用点高深点的句子 倒装句什么的 改错:There was a sports meeting tomorrow选出划线部分读音不同的一个:January的y,country的y,July的y,family的yShall we give a concert in the school tomorrow?A.All right.B.A good idea 改错:There was a sports meeting tomorrow.可以改成is going to be吗 He is following us all the time,为什么follow要加ing原题是He ——(follow) us all the time Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism?Which of the following is NOT a typicalfeature of Modernism?[A] To elevate the individual and inner being over the social being.[B] To put the stress on traditional values.[C] To portray th The bag on the bed is't her bag.(换种表达,保持句意不变) The bag on the bed ______ _________. 我从小就生活在海边,突然想起这个问题,海水为什么会起泡沫呢还有没有其他答案的 前些天我去了传说中有清澈海水的六鳌,却发现海面上有许多白色泡沫而且水也很浑,是被污染了吗?或另有原因 羊有跪乳之恩 鸦有反哺之情,动物犹此,人何以堪,我在生活中可以为父母做什么来报答他们的养育之恩呢 水蓝色的深海有泡沫吗?爱情会象海水那么蓝吗?爱情会象海水那么蓝吗?那么透明吗,那么纯洁吗?我想不会的,水蓝色的泡沫是短暂的,没有长久的爱情, 关于科技让生活更美好谈论就好 宾语从句the teacher told the children that the sun is round这是宾语从句吗?宾语是the children啊...宾语从句the teacher told the children that the sun is round这是宾语从句吗?宾语是the children啊?还有he told me that she is Mr Black goes to work by underground.(换种说法,但意思不变Mr Black goes to work by underground.(换种说法,但意思不变) All cats appear grey in the dark. Mr black goes to work by underground.(换一种说法,但意思不变) 羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义 请解释并说出蕴含的道理 always能用在过去完成时吗? sometimes always often usually哪一个用于现在完成时 “He is a professor,which I have always been expecting to be”和“He is a professor,a profession which I have always been expecting to be".这两句是不是都可以用的啊?都可以的话哪一句更地道些? 淑玲英文名是? always和forever的区别 sat语法IEAfter the grueling rehearsal,the pianist felt wore out and wanted only to sleep.wore错了,为什么Poets during the Romantic period felt more freely to express emotions in their writing than did poests of the Victorian period.more freely ____ my return ,I learned that Professor Smith had been at the museum and would not be backfor several hours.选项 A、At B、With C、On D、During正确答案是什么 我发现A B C 选项都有被选的 hasn't anyone repaired this car yet?改成被动 sense of security是什么意思