
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:01:20
The Transrapid Maglev is the world's first high-speed train using magnetic levitated technology.(现在分词做 ____) For eample,Shanghai has b___ the world's first maglev in Pudong 《福楼拜家的星期天》中都德性格特点!原文的话 选择题5道英语的,小学十分简单的( ) 6 I usually come to school _____. A. by a bus B. on foot C. by foot D. on bus ( ) 7. It's ______ weather _____ a walk. A. /…in B. a…for C. a…of D. /…for ( ) 8. He can't see ______ sun. ( ) 31.We want to have some __________ for dinner.so we decide to catch________ now.A.fish…many B.fishes…much C.fish…much D.fishes…many ( ) 32.Hurry up.there is _________ time left.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few ( ) 33._______ nice picture are his keys in the schoolbag作否定回答 are,of,in,the,set,a,classroom,keys(连词成句) 冥思遐想 求一部关于汉朝或者唐朝的纪录片,379500453 用12个一立方分米的正方体摆成一个长方体,有多少种不同的摆法?(写出过程) 唐朝的女人为什么那么厉害?武则天、太平公主、韦后、安乐公主.个个都是手握重权、野心很大的人 u+v=10 3u-2V=5 (u-2v\u+2v)-(2\u²-4v²) 为什么抛物线顶点在y轴上b等于0 抛物线 y=x^2-bx+8的顶点在x轴上,则b等于?最好加上文字说明···· 英语,速回 英语初中问题,速来The stydents()turns to clean their classroom.A\get b\make c\have D\take为什么 俩个数相除商8余7,被除数,除数商和余数的和是157.被除数各是多少?(用方程解答) 英语翻译第1篇1.be famous for2.be famous as3.have courage to do4.in one’s life5.lead sb.to sp.lead to n.lead to do6.break,beat,set the record 7.the way to success 8.go well9.lance faced it head-on10.make a comeback.He trained hard and led the 英语翻译第7篇1.be in danger=be dangerous2.feed on3.less and less4.southwest china=in the south of china第8篇1.know about2.table manners3.start end with4.eat up=use up5.drink to sb./sth..6.do sth..for the first time7.It’s polite to do sth.8. 英语翻译句子一道 初中题 速解你应该认真听讲而不是朝窗外看You should listen carefully ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________the window(每空一词).谢谢各位!顺便说一下那个词组结构就 已知函数f(x)=x2-2(2+m)x+m-1若函数gx=√ fx+m+2定义域为R,求m的范围 2 若不等式 f(lgx)>0对于丨m丨≤1横成立 ,求x 的范围 本人在 速求 有选项:A.1 B.1或3或5 C.1或3 D.1或3或5或7 已知△ABC是等边三角形,它的高是4.若点P到AB、AC距离分别为1、2,则P到BC的距离是多少.. 5们是思想品德(粤教版) A、B、C、D、E是初中常见的物质,A、B、C、D、E是初中常见的物质,其中A、B、C是常见的气体,D在常温下是液体.下图是这些物质的转化关系,部分反应物、生成物及反应条件已省略.(1)写出下列 设函数f(x)=loga x (a>0,a不等于1),若f(x1)+f(x2)=1,则 f(x1^2)+f(x2^2)= 函数f(x)=loga(x+1) -1 若函数f(x)=loga(x的平方-ax+3)(a>0且不等于1)满足对任意的X1,X2当X1 设函数f(x)=loga(x)(a>0且a不等于1)若f(x1.x2.x2009)=8则f(x1^2)+.f(x2009^2)等于几等16么 D是三角形ABC的边BC上的一点,如下图,请通过D点画一条线段,正好将三角形的面积二等分.(说明理由或在图上显示出思路) This program is about _(travel) around the world我觉得应该填 traveling 是吗.求解 open your pigs eye :any girl others here in my space?