
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:58:00
I think Tom will be a basketball player in five years(.对划线句子提问)a basketball player 是划线句,提问用what 还是how 为什么 Which letter is three to the left of the letter two to the right of the letter immediately to the letter F 3.What letter is two to the right of the letter immediately to the left of the letter that comes mid-way between the letter immediately to the left of the letter H and the letter two to the right of the letter A.A.C B.D C.E D.F what letter ia two to the left of the letter to the right of the letter four to the left of the letter"F"?A B C D E F G H 麻烦翻译一下 What four-letter word from right to left or left to right read the same? 1.x^2-xy-2y^22.x^2+7/4xy+5/8y^23.x^4-13x^2y^2+36^44.(x+a)^2-4x(a+x)+3x^25.(x^2-x)^2-14x^2+14x-24求高手相助,在这儿就先谢过了 几道简单的因式分解题~(1) (2x-3y)^2 - 4a^2(2) x^4 - 2x^2 + 1(3) x^2 - a^2 - 2x - 2a(4) 4x^2 - 4xy + y^2 - a^2(5) (x + y)^2 - 2(x + y ) - 3(6) x^2 - 2xy -3y^2 + x + y 1、x(x-y)(x+y)-x(x+y)^22、(2a+b)(2a-3b)-3a(2a+b) 怎么才能不分心做作业电脑吸引我. 1.在某温度下,Ksp(MnCO3)=6.82×10—6,Ksp[Mn(OH)2]=1.00×10—13.,反应MnCO3(s)+2OH一(aq) Mn(OH)2(s)+CO32—(aq)的平衡常数K的值为?(6.82*10^7)2.室温时,利用右图反应气体体积测定仪测定纳米碳酸钙的纯度.实验步 根据你的历史知识以及对林则徐的了解,为林则徐写一副对联为林则徐写一副对联 ① 在实验室用锌和稀硫酸反应制取氢气,若用1.30g锌与足量的稀硫酸反应,可制得氢气的质量是多少?(Zn+H2SO4====ZnSO4+H2↑)(此式中数字全部为右下角的下标)② 把干燥的高锰酸钾固体50g装入大 以《中华民族的骄傲》写一篇有关林则徐的历史论文! Which letter is kind of drink A M B O C T D X 趣味问答,在26个字母(letter)里:Which letter is a kind of drinkwhich letter is a kind of insects?which letter is a kind of fruit? There are 26 letters in English.Which letter is a kind of drink?It's___. 求人教我一道题目Which letter is the a kind of drink( )答案是什么这个翻译过来其实就是一道数学题. There are 26 letters in English.Which letter is a kind of drink(饮料)?It's __________. what do you think ___ in 10 years?是填will she be 还是 she will be What do you think ___ in ten years?A will she is B will be she C she will be D she be will 一道化学高三一模计算题,快来呀 what letter is two to the left of the letter to the … 智力题 求解 还要翻译一下what letter is two to the left of the letter to the right of the letter four to the left of the letter"F"?A B C D E F G H Which letter is a kind of vegetables?急用! 林则徐的名言都有哪些呢?最好还是长一点的! 关于林则徐的爱国的名人名言 合金的种类有哪些? 求温家宝说的林则徐的一句名言是在一次政府报告中说的,两句话,是什么? 合金管都有哪些分类? 林则徐说过什么名言 林则徐的十无益名言 合金锤头应用在哪些方面呢?分类有多少? 设函数f(x)={x2+2(x小于或等于2),2x(x