
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:05:18
( )对高兴正如流泪对悲伤;卑鄙对渺小正如( )对伟大. 温暖舒服的18岁女生英文名最好是E、Y、或H开头的英文名噢!(我是六月份出生的.我中文名字寓意是美好、干净、尊贵.) 反义词:卑鄙( ) 赞赏( ) 欺侮( ) 冠冕堂皇和卑鄙肮脏是反义词吗? 想要一个如奶茶般温暖的英文名 中国特色社会主义由什么构成,重要性 卑鄙的反义词是什么?急需! 实行对外开放是( ) A.我国的长期基本国策 B.社会主义初级阶段的政策 C.实现工业化时期的政策 a lot,lots of,many,any,some用法有什么不同,回答越详细越好!希望您还举举例子, 结束的反义词舆图意图遗篇 竣工的反义词 That running star eats lots of vegetables.变为复数形式 童星的英文“Child star”的复数形式是什么样子的? 写出单复数形式        stars【 】families【 】foot  【  】求求求求求farmers【   】peaches[  ]policeman[  ]fish[ ]knife[ ]box[ ]shelf[ ]man[ ]child[ 废除的反义词是什么 终止的反义词是什么啊? 分析内阁和军机处的职能,看看二者对皇权的加强有何作用? 内阁和军机处职能有什么差别?军机处究竟是一种怎样的机构?为什么说军机处比内阁能更进一步加强皇权? 分析内阁和军机处的职能,看看二者这对黄泉的加强有何作用 内阁和军机处的职能? Danny________hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.A has worked B had worked.我觉得现在他很受欢迎,可不可以理解为实现他梦的动作是过去的过去,从而用过去完成时呢? Danny__hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular 答案has/had请说明原因 Danny has worked hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.请问不定式 to realize his dream在句子中做什么成分?为什么? 李逵杀虎与武松打虎有什么不同啊 American people elect obama ——president,空格处填定冠词还是不定冠词还是零冠 The president elect promised during his campaign to help the poor who were mostly homeless.这里president elect 中elect为什么要后置? Two birds with behind them.还是Two birds behind them. 武松打虎和李逵打虎谁更厉害啊? 什么是魔方矩阵 5.The babysitter agreed ___the children before putting them to bed.A.for bathing bath C.on bathing giving a bath为什么选C不选B啊,求讲解 He has five nice______(knife).They're________(they)._________(do)your English teacher______(have)a car?Yes.Please_______(give)the book to Mary.Sorry,l don't know______(she).Lily______(look)like Lucy.______(be)there a picture on the wall yesterday mor if nice is London ,they're Tokyo 的意思?不是如果漂亮的是伦敦,他们是东京!