
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:42:44
I just wonder what you call these flowers 谁知道六孔竖笛的吹法?低音、高音都要啊! 形容高原上的风光的词语有哪些 I don't know if she_____me when she_______ A.tells,arrives B.tells,will arrive C.will tell,will arrive D.will tell,arrives为什么选d 根据主将从先应选b呀 I don't know if Susan __.If she__,call me.place.A:will come;will come B:comes;come C:comes;will come D:will come;comes I really don't know if she ___it when she___.【我要原因】A find arrives B finds will come C will find will arrive D will find arrive I don't know if she ( )if it( )tomorrowI don't know if she ( )if it( )tomorrowA.comes.snows B.comes .well snowC.will come.well snow D.well come snows 我想学英语,应该怎么开始呢?我好象学英语,但是不知道从哪里开始下手,就想一大池塘的鱼等我去捉一样,我不知道那么大的池塘要从那里下去.那我需要找些什么工具吗?比如书籍之类的,自学 都工作了,我还想学英语该怎么开始? What's your age 同义句 表示看的词语,求助, , 我想为姐姐买件礼物.用英语怎么说? she wants to know _____speak english是该填if i can还是 whether i could?whether 和if 有什么区别啊 搞不懂 ..最好简洁用自己的话说下 谢谢姐姐送给我的礼物 我非常喜欢 用英语怎么说 she wants to know___China She wants to know ______ .A which floor did i live B which floor I live in c which floor I live on She wants to know ______.为什么?A:what she will be B:what will she be C:what will she likeD:what will she be like In class ,your English teacher asks you to write something about shop-ping.She wants to know:1、When and where do you often go shopping?2、Who do you often go with 3、What do you often buy 要求50词左右,内容要包括以上问题的回答. 陈奕迅的歌词解析 What's your age?(改成同义句) What's your grandfather's age?的同义句是什么? 表示各种不同状态的看的词语. 表示看的不同词语向高处看( ) 偷偷的看( )请问一下这些都用什么‘看’来表示!一天之内就要!谢谢你的快速回答!可是这也太简单了吧我要的是词语! 英语课前三分钟演讲.关于朋友的.简单一点的. 我最喜欢的一种小动物作文必须小狗的,300字. 我最喜欢的小动物,作文400字 我最喜欢的小动物作文多哈数据来源 淘宝网和爱淘网是什么? 淘宝网,爱淘宝,一淘网,天猫 是什么关系?能具体说说吗?升级的和广告就不要来了 - -、 比如腾讯和易迅 .以及 淘宝网,爱淘宝,一淘网,天猫各侧重什么. 如何在淘宝挑选好的翻译店知道淘宝上有翻译业务,但不知道翻译水平怎么样.能不能信得过?怎样才能挑选出一家好的翻译店? what color is your sister's blouse?(改为同义句) _______________________your sister's blouse? Mary is always the last _______ at the office.A.arriving B.arrived C.to arrive D.arrives 应该选什么?