
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:49:38
2012雅思口语预测,易格雅思有了解的吗,朋友都说那边的外教很不错,一对一辅导,尤其是雅思口语提高很大! 雅思口语话题,2012雅思口语话题谁有? 英语翻译她的名字汉语叫 次旦卓嘎我想要她的英文译名,我还想知道藏族的姓名是怎么译注成英语的,怎么和拼音不一样,大家误解我的意思了,我是指藏语拼音和汉语拼音不一样的,比如 玛吉阿 如果二战中纳粹德国获得了胜利,我们现在的生活会是怎么样?日本人会不会像德国屠杀犹太人一样屠杀中国人 i never seem to finish off this loaf of bread.中文翻译 雅思口语话题有哪些好的? juan中的u是读u还是读v Beauty Juan如何发音 juan的an是发音“安”还是“烟” 帮我解答几道高三英语语法题30.He was not here.Since he had already had his papers corrected,he _____behind.A.needn’t have stayed B.mustn’t have stayedC.didn’t need to stay D.shouldn’t stay 我错选了B31.The strike _______ so muc 最好是用语法帮我解析一下.————that she was often praised ni public.A so good a girl she was B such a diligent girl was she.C she was such good girl D so diligent was she a girl 一道高三英语语法题.The passenger’s complaints to many airline companies are forced on late arrivals as many filghts_____be delayed for hours.A.must B.will C.can D.shall表推测,我知道的.但是为什么B不行, 英语音标口诀 急啊! 英语音标发音口诀 最好将字母.字母组合与其对应起来 还要是口诀 英文歌怎么那么难学!尤其是语速比较快的地方!英文歌怎么那么难学!尤其是语速比较快的地方,连音,省略音!知道歌词也对不上,怎么听都不是那么回事!我觉得我口语还凑活了!可就是跟不上!在 1.The master made us a sign to leave the sad boy alone and began the lesson.I ______ to say something,but I didn`t know what.(C)could like B.should like C.should have liked D.must have liked2.It was a nice house,but____too small for a family to live. 1.We've not even gone over the first module,___finished the sixth one.A.not to mention B.not to speak of C.much less D.much more2.We won't forget the financial crisis and the troubles ___ has caused to the people all over the world.A.which B.this C.w 1.What the chairman said at the meeting got us A to think B thinking2.写出几个生动的英语单词 像flood 涌 storm横冲直撞 1.____ we cannot remove stress from our lives,we need to find ways to deal with it.答案选的是Since,“既然”的意思,但是选项里也有 As,As也有“既然”的意思啊,怎么回事?2.Only a few mistakes ___ in this exam.答案选的 高三英语2题Jack could have avoided that terrible car accident,bu he __ careful enoughA is not B was not C hasn't been D hadn't been __,the students remain optimistic and try to achieve their goals.A as they are faced with fierce pressureB fierce 松鼠课文,讲解词语 英语翻译上周四我们学校举行了运动会,很多同学参加了运动会,有的参加了跑步,如100米跑、200米跑、400米跑和1500米跑.还有跳高跳远,实心球、等等.那天是晴天,天气很热,但是大家都很兴奋.我 在知识竞赛中有十到判断题对一道加2分答错一道减1分小明只得了14分他打错了几道 谁能给我点英文rap .语速快点的,敬礼. 《松鼠》这篇课文选自( )的《 》 陈慧瑛的松鼠这篇课文是选自哪里十分谢谢 英语翻译 英语互译 苏轼《水调歌头》“低绮户”的“绮”到底读什么?字典里标注,绮:qǐ 但那些唱歌的,从邓丽君开始,全都念成yǐ,所以请问,这个字在台湾念什么?是台湾念yǐ,还是邓丽君念错了? 苏轼《水调歌头》“低绮户”的“绮”怎么读,绮念qi 还是yi?是通假字么?查字典是念“qi”好不好? 他在公司上班 这句话用英语怎么翻译 英语翻译The faster the processor,generally the faster the computer will usually be able to perform those instructions and tasks,thus games can play more smoothly and spreadsheets can calculate more quickly.