
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:51:11
找 《警世通言》《喻世明言》《醒世恒言》的名句 尽量齐一些啊!急用 随时在线!尽量多一些啊!谢谢各位了! 醒世恒言、喻世明言、警世通言、初刻拍案惊奇都是讲的什么事 醒世恒言,警世通言的翻译 I'm kind of forgetful是什么意思be kind be essential for/to有什么区别 I tuought you\'d always be put on more clothes,____ you'll catch coldA.and B.bacause C.but D.or I'm kind of busy.be kind of be kind of好像是对什么好,对什么友善的意思?但是这里显然不是.这里be kind of what is his brother?变同义句 what____his brother____do? 英语三级与英语三级口语有什么不同 大学口语 英语三级左右即可有没有关于面试的口语大概两三分钟的片段,不要太难,英语三级就可以了.关于面试和应聘的一段两人对话.明天急用. 天津英语三级题型有口语么?谢谢! We're going to visit the car factory where his father works there 句子改错有一处错误,是关于定语从句的 I don't know where his father works.这句子的宾语与动词是什么关系 where his father works.是know 什么关系?这个句子里的 宾语 和动词是什么关系 动作的承受结果还是承受着 be kind of是固定短语吗 什么意思如果放在it's very kind of them to..........的句中是什么意思 do u want to be my friend 四级英语辅导书应该买哪个牌子的比较好?想买几本本专攻听力 阅读的辅导书麻烦推荐下 哪一种比较好呢 把一个棱长是8厘米的橡皮泥重捏成一个长和宽都是5厘米的长方体,这个长方体的高是多少厘米? 语法分析:Until the details are made public of the agreement Shultz and Shevardnadze worked out,it will not be known what the prospects for a summut truly are.这句话的前半句谓语应该是短语 made public 那么前半句后面的worked 求open your heart and be honest全文新黑马阅读上的 歌词——Babyboy 永远永远手牵手 的歌名是? 把下列句子翻译成英文:我们上个月看了有趣的电影. (2/2) the public seem to get some kind of thrill out of it求翻译成中文 public of china 论文发表的杂志有什么你用过的 中国科学家都把研究论文发表在哪个杂志上.我想要看 .请推荐一下. People can make clothes—— silk.是用from还是用of? you cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear汉语意思以及英语解释 第二题 the ice cream is cold something is ice cold what does it mean __A.It has B.Ther____no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been settled. He —— —— very——(让我们非常高兴)last week