
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:15:58
You're beautiful 吉他谱 春节英语知识 我国原始社会是从元谋人开始的,大约在? 定语从句的关系代词该如何使用?1)Let's go to the restaurant ____ the food is cheap and delicious.A.that B.where C.which2)I like clothes ____ look unusual.A.what B.that C.which这里2题是选什么.为什么另外请说明一下 that,whi The girl singing in the classroom is my sister 为什么不是The girl is singing in the classroom is my sister?为什么没有is? 定语从句关系代词用法A future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems 为什么这里的关系代词用where?这里的where怎么去翻译 哈利波特读后感 我老爸无聊,叫我写1000字的《哈利波特》读后感,我在这跪求1000字的《哈利波特》读后感 哈利波特的读后感(或者观后感),主题是“爱”,1000字左右 英语翻译 半坡居民距今约多少年?材料一 在半坡遗址的许多窖穴,房屋和墓葬中,发现了大量的粟粒;在河姆渡遗址中,发现了大量稻谷遗迹,还有大量石斧、石凿、骨耜等工具.材料二 河姆渡的墓葬里,随葬 半坡与河姆渡文化距今约有多少年? 定语从句关系代词比较框架哦 定语从句中的关系代词咋选啊? 定语从句用关系代词与副词的区别什么时候用关系代词,什么时候用关系副词,请高人说的详细点,万分感谢! they()in the classroom now A sing B are singing 改为一般疑问句:The students are singing in the classroom?_____ the students _____ in the classroom. 哈利波特1心得100字 史记中轩辕黄帝的故事愈短愈好 读哈利波特后有感 谁知道黄帝的故事?要短点的~ 黄帝的故事比寓言还短的那种,要写故事名字像举人四级一样有题目 黄帝的故事 百度知道我不知道 这句定语从句中关系代词的选择.怎么选有一个句子,关系代词被省略了,求高手把它补充出来Is this place the one ____ Tom visited last week?我知道这个关系词肯定是个关系代词,但不知道该用that还是whil 定语从句选联系代词the director ____you have just talked about are really popular..A.WHO B WHICH C THAT D OF WHOM选项里没有 whom 只有 of whom... 简单选择题(关于定语从句关系代词的选用)what do you think of the girl___acted Snow White and the play___she and her classmates put on A.who,which B.that,which 请说明原因 It's time to ___ _____ it's time to 和 it's time to的区别it's time for 和 it's time to的区别 the girls are (cleaning the room) now.对括号提问 Be best that you can be 定语从句的关系代词a type of reorganization where two or more companies are combined into one company请问为什么这里的定语从句,使用的关系代词是where而不是what说错是为什么不用that? I have tried my best.That is all ____I can do for you.