
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:56:55
Though____money,his parents managed to send him to go abroad.A.lacked B.lacking of C.lacking D.lacked in Though____money,his parents managed to send him to university.A.lackedB.lacking ofC.lackingD.lacked in 南通中天科技的外贸翻译待遇如何啊 玉镯冰雕 迫不及待 生生不息 终年不败 翻译:南通东海境外就业服务有限公司大伙儿给我帮帮忙,给我翻译一下刚注册的公司名称吧,等着要去刻章的. 生生不息 “感恩”主题班会主持人台词我们班(大学)要开一次以感恩父母为主题的班会,急需有经验的您帮忙写几段各个环节间主持人的过渡台词.基本流程如下:1 开场白(这个已经写好了)【台词 “一把黄土塑成千万个你我,静脉是长城,动脉是黄河.”的出处是哪里要作者和出处. 黄河为什么有那么多的黄土 什么四字词语的意思是按道理应当这样最后一个字是“然” 描写某种道理的四字词语最起码写两个吧~ 1000字叙事作文怎么写? 根据句意和英文释义填写单词:Why don't you go for a walk ____(with each other)? ——是夏天的——,充满——;——是秋天的——,充满——;——是冬天的——,充满——.填空,要有哲理的例如,青春是春天的一颗种子,充满希望. 改错 Why don't you go for walk in the park with us after supper? 夏天吃热的冬天可以吃冷的有道理吗 Why don't we go for a walk?(同意句) 冬季冷,当年的夏季就热,有科学道理吗?当年的冬季冷,夏季就会热吗?还是夏季热,当年的冬季就一定冷?有什么科学道理吗? 妈妈你辛苦了,我爱你,翻译成英文 the teacher spent plenty of time () the problem ()the boy,but he still didn't know how to workit outA on explaining,forBexplaining,forCin explaining ,toDto explain,to 英语翻译她来自浙江衢州,她喜欢的颜色是白色.鱼是我妈妈最喜欢的食物,她最喜欢的运动是散步,这就是我的妈妈. Mosr of them didn't know what the teacher m____. the teacher didn't know why lilididn't go to school.是宾语从句还是状语从句? 很大很恐怖的大绿蚊子有一天晚上,我在做作业,突然有一只又大又绿的蚊子闯进我的视野,他的大小完全超出了我对蚊子的认识,我把它打死了.我想问一下,那个蚊子会不会咬人,应该怎么办?我 The boy didn't stand up before the teather came in.该同义句The boy didn't stand up before the teather came in.该同义句.The boy _____ stand up ______ the teacher came in. 该为同义句:Larry___ stand up ___tthe teacher came in. 求以孔子为主题的班会串联词一份~要有孔子名言在里面! include、consist、contain三个“包括”有何区别 Comprise, include, consist of , consist in 的区别?如题 Why don't we go out for a walk. We _____ ____ ___ out for a walk 寻一篇文章《我与孔子同行》800字左右 急!大家帮帮忙啊 选择:-Do you often cook at home?-No,___is for moms .(A.cook B.cooking C.cooks D.cooker)选那一个?为什么?其他的为什么不行?